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Author Topic: Carrina  (Read 49395 times)

Offline carrina

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2014, 07:13:40 PM »
I think my conclusions might be slightly bias but the answers that I was giving were not. You may be able to tell if I am able to rationalize which functions.
So you feel that you know which type that I am? that is good. So what are my instructions? And what type do you see?

Offline Ольга

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2014, 10:43:33 AM »
Carrina,I am not sure if it is a good idea for me to tell your type straight away. As you don't have enough information to decide yourself you may develop rejection on subconscious level and this will block your mind from understanding the type. You need to have an open mind approach to realise the work of certain functions within your psyche.
I don't mind to tell the type but you will not believe it and will carry on doubt about it. I am prepared to work your way through the process of realisation. I can only tell - you are not ESI.

My instructions are  in in my posts above. You need to set your priorities in the first and second part of the tests. Check the previous page. I have got the feeling that you have missed my posts. :)

And please answer the question: Is it easy for you to lie  and in what circumstances are you prepared to lie? If I ask you to say publically "My type is SEE", would you do it?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 10:45:45 AM by Ольга »
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Re: Carrina
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2014, 01:26:17 PM »
Olga, I prefer never to lie. There are situations where I would lie, but they are extreme. I prefer not to be around people that lie. I prefer not to talk to them. If they are just joking, then OK. I don't think I have missed your posts. I just didn't understand your instructions. Now I think I do. You are saying to familiarize myself with model A, the functions, and the way the types are. I'm become so tired of reading this information. Its not easy for me to learn this way. I am burnt out. I already understand a great bit of this though. What I am going to do is actually read the links that you told me to see.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2014, 01:31:23 PM »
lolz I guess I did miss a few posts. ;)

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2014, 01:33:19 PM »
for the lying question: I would lie for a friend, to get myself or my family out of trouble, to preserve relationships, thats really the extent. or if I think someone has no business asking me something and I become uncomfortable.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2014, 02:09:05 PM »
I'm sorry but I still have a hard time relating these things to reality so here it is, in order (or so I think) Its also very hard for me to choose or discard any because I see the value in all of them. In my head I can myself using all of them fine.

fi- I am always focused on the way I feel. I filter everything through the way I feel.

 se- stay out of my personal space, and I will stay out of yours. sparring is fun, i love to wrestle, I like to tease people. I don't like people who try to bully me. I will use force to make sure nobody is being bullied around me. I am careful around people who are dangerous. I like the heightened experience it gives me.

ne - I like to connect things together and throw out things that make no difference. I prefer not to think about what all the possibilities are if I don't care about the subject. I like new things, special things, exiting things, new people. I don't like things or people that are predictable. they are boring and unauthentic.

si- If I am too hungry, I can't focus. I can assesorize fine. I know which ingredients taste better together. I wonder if things are hygenic. I am not generally attuned to the physical environment. this is something I work on

fe- when I am in a bad mood I think fe is a waste of time. when I am in a good mood, I really like to try and make this one of my skills. I try very hard (when I am happy) to give people a good reaction to me. I will keep distance if I think I can't.

te- I'm not good at this. I think I am then I always find that my skills here are lacking. this is where I must use force and push through things. I don't know instructions. I have to have VERY thurough instructions or I won't know what to do. If I don't have exactly the right tools I become too frusterated to move forward.

ni-  I like to think about the various possibilities of the future. I don't know what this means in relation to reality. I know when things fit into the overall picture.
I could see myself being a fi-ne but because I fight with my fists or use physical impact to make myself feel good people say that there is no possibility of being EII. If I am too upset I use a punching bag. If I am being bullied I punch walls instead of people. the physical pain helps me release my emotional tention. I frequently use se as a remedy for emotional pain, if we can consider boxing and martial arts an SE thing, but now I'm not so sure that it is.

fi se ne si fe te ni

I can't say I am too sure about any of these. You may be able to point out to me the things that I should focus on.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #51 on: June 21, 2014, 02:25:04 PM »
I didn't do ti..
I am great at finding out what is wrong with my car, imagining the workings, the ones I actually understand. this could be in the conscious ring i think.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2014, 02:54:27 PM »
okay so I just took the associative test again.. I got SEI. I don't agree with this typing but I also can't discredit it. just as an aside.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #53 on: June 21, 2014, 02:59:56 PM »
I think that we should do a video chat soon.

Offline Ольга

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2014, 10:36:12 AM »
 I don't feel you are ready now for a chat on the video but we definitely will have a chat later. Just answer my questions for now.
The way you answer about lies make me think that you have a categorical mind that means it is easier for you to see the situation or the question in black and white rather than the shades?
If the person lies to you, you feel seriously misled as you do not easy can spot the lie, is it right? You don't know if you can trust the person in the future, if you can rely on the person.  it is much easier for you if the person is honest.
You do not accept lies from anybody - no matter who is it, what age and so on. You teach your kid to be honest and never to lie. If the person lies to you - one lie after another - you feel disrespected and humiliated - the mess you around and you hate when people do it to you. Is it all right or you wish to correct or to add anything?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 10:37:50 AM by Ольга »
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Re: Carrina
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2014, 04:55:20 PM »
No. I see things in shades of grey. categorical? maybe. but only slightly. the thing is that I break my own rules and people close to me are forgiven for breaking the rules as long as they follow some of the most important rules like disrespect and things. yes, lying makes me feel mislead. If someone takes from me without me knowing, I hate the person. but if they are lying here and there I can forgive them, I just won't respect them. It is wrong to assume that I never accept lies.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2014, 06:31:27 PM »
I believe that everything is completely situational. If I were going to pass judgement I would really have to know the motivations of others.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #57 on: June 22, 2014, 06:43:59 PM »
I agree with Olga here. I think you're someone who won't just agree with someone's opinion unless it makes sense to you aswell. Just as a point of conversation....you said that dances with wolves is a a film you like. What is the appeal for you?

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #58 on: June 22, 2014, 08:01:11 PM »
 In socionics we believe that logical types and especially rational types find it hard to distort the facts. For example some people find it hard to say that red apple is blue because it is not a true fact.
Some ethical type find it easy to distort the truth due to many different situational motives. They "lie" easily because it is more fun and more exciting - they partly believe the lie which they are saying. It is your ability to distort the truth and to be silly at times.
Carrina try to look at yourself in the mirror and talk abracadabra - childish language. if you find it extremely hard to do - you may be influences by the logic mind.
What you do not relaise is how important is Ti in what you think and do. You look at it from the perspective of Fi but in reality it is logical ethics where logics is leading. Try to look at yourself as a brainy and smart person who relies heavily on thinking, who understand the world from the perspective of understanding first - Ti. If you do not understand something - you cannot make sense you cannot relay then on your feelings. First understand then feel. Let me know what you think about it.

With you Ti programme you know when people talk crap - you can logically check it out. Let me know whom you believe to be silly and who annoys you from the world of well- known people/celebs.
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Re: Carrina
« Reply #59 on: June 22, 2014, 08:34:55 PM »
Try to look at yourself as a brainy and smart person who relies heavily on thinking, who understand the world from the perspective of understanding first - Ti

umm I'm not really sure. I can't pick out the crook. I usually end up dating them. okay so I truly believe that all perspective are true. I don't believe any one perspective first. As a matter of fact, one thing that angers me is when people refuse to look outside the box. This angers me sooo much. most of the time when I feel I shouldn't disagree with people, the limited points of view tempt me to show others that we all know so little. I believe other people's emotions and mind are sacred. You can't understand it but you must respect it. But the perspective only matters to those involved. Olga, maybe I haven't answered your question/ if you ask again I will try to understand what you mean.

as for being silly, I am frequently silly with people whom I trust or people that are being silly. sometimes in public. my favorite things are silly things. I like comedy very much. The comics I like the most usually point out some social extreme. I don't know if that was what you were asking. Olga, I'm not going to argue your impression of me being Ti, but I will need you to show me how this is possible. I know that I am overly concerned with how i am feeling about things. The way I feel matters in every situation.

The reasons that I like the movie dances with wolves. I really like the character that kevin coster plays, my family and I used to watch it together, I relate to the issues of the native americans being so innocent and being overcome but us, the white people. I feel guilty about this and relate more to those people then I do us. culturally, I was sort of raised to care about those things, to become angry at those social situations that are perpetuated today. I wish that I could avenge them (LOL this is silly but true). 

Okay. I don't understand Ti practical applications in life. If its just simply understanding how things work, that is a skill I have to work on or allow others to show me.

so If you;re thinking that I am an LII, maybe you are right, but I couldn't agree right now. I mean, I will have to look at the intertype relations with the SEI, the LSI, the SLI, the LIE, and the SLE. those are my close relationships right now.

I will definately try to see it your way before I just disagree completely.

Just one more thing. with close personal male/female intimate relationships, I am frequently playing the part of vulnerable.. its extreme. I keep emotional distance and only close the gap when I trust others. I appreiate people who aren't taken aback from my extreme emotions. You have to understand this is in no way a light topic for me. this is why I think ESI. I know that it can manifest differently for everyone but anyway... if you could incorporate that to LII, I could attempt to believe it. welp.. I'm going to go read the Model A for LII and look at some of the intertype relations.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 08:40:38 PM by carrina »