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Author Topic: Carrina  (Read 49398 times)

Offline carrina

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #60 on: June 22, 2014, 09:23:23 PM »
disclaimer: I pretty much love everyone and can find everyone and every personality very beautiful in their own way, though many times upon closer interaction, I don't like people much once they aren't useful to my goals or happiness.

ILI's really get on my nerves, they think they are superior yet they fail to see other perspectives or think creatively. (some close interaction and one close relationship) I basically reject this type after too much discussion.

IEI's are fascinating, they have various informations that I could need, they are sweet sometimes, but I would never want to anger them. they are better when an ally and not an enemy (very close interaction, some disagreement, some close emotional bonds) I usually Love the IEI, they are silly sometimes thinking about things that mean nothing, but I will do anything for them, I feel that they are very capable.

LSI are assholes whom I prefer to avoid or atleast remain distant from them. I can take instructions from them but too much interaction makes me hate them. (very close non-intimate relationship)

SLI are sometimes closed minded, yet I love them very much,
I love the SLIs but they are overly concerned with material things. they fail to see obvious things. I like them for some reasons but I don't know what reasons, maybe because they care about me. we have deep misunderstandings yet we have an easy time moving through it  (very close intimate relationship)

SEI is annoying, I can hardly understand what she is talking about or she is saying too many things that don't make a difference to the point at hand, she is counterproductive and manipulative. They act aggressive and passive at the wrong times. she thinks I am mean just by looking at my face which I find to be rude of her to make judgements like that basically everyday. I do find that they are useful and they try to care about others. (very close relationship, non intimate)

SLE is okay. I can love them easily but I believe that they are careless. we have fun, we can spend time together if it is nothing serious. we very much enjoy doing physical activities and mentally sparring.. when things get too serious I reject him for being uncaring toward other people. I attempt to control him. I find him to be mentally lacking. this person I find that I have to demand respect from. we have gotten into a few fist fights. yet the bond is strong. I prefer not to have too much interaction with this one unless its a very lighthearted thing. He thinks that he has to prove himself to me, which he does.  (very close relationship)

I like EIE and SEE, they are people I would try to understand or get entertainment from, (from a distance)

LIE are productive and composed, sometimes they point out things that are obvious, I feel very comforted by them(very close intimate relationships)

ILE is annoying, talking too much for too long without allowing others to speak,,, always about what they have in their head without realizing that other things factor in, or that its not all about collecting data, but they are valuable when I need to know allot of things about one topic.. (from a small distance and some closer interaction) they stimulate me though.

EII is okay. I prefer not to expound so much on one thing, connect things that are mostly unrelated, but overall I think they have good points, If not obvious ones. (from a distance only) I feel that I would work well with them but probably hurt their feelings.

LII, annoying. they talk too much about too many various things that don't matter at all. I like them, I just don't have time to pay attention to all the shit they talk about. I'm happy to do outlines of things and move forward with a plan. LII's usually take more time then necessary to do small things. they are valuable for information and would tell me what I was missing if I asked. they also wouldn't just cave in from my perspective which I find reliable. (closer interaction)

certain extroverted fi types get on my nerves. I don't know their type. but they are so selfish.

I love the SLIs but they are overly concerned with material things. they fail to see obvious things. I like them for some reasons but I don't know what reasons, maybe because they care about me.

This pretty much sums up my first reactions, my slightly closer relationships, If you want in depth information about closer relationships I would give it to you. this may be an aside.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 09:50:49 PM by carrina »

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #61 on: June 23, 2014, 02:00:48 AM »
One example of where I would lie. okay. I once had a casual sexual relationship with someone. I worked with this person and they were superior to me. We didn't really let on that we were dating. One man that also worked there asked me if i were single. because the other person was standing there I said "I am married actually, I don't wear my ring here so I won't lose it" so that they wouldn't hit on me in front of other people. this was a lie that didn't bother me. Like I said, everything is situational. If they would have asked me in private I would have said something completely different.
A situation when I don't lie. This person above that I was having a casual relationship asked me if I was seeing other people. I wasn't so I said no, I am not. I also said to him that I wouldn't have a problems seeing other people. I said this because I wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be held responsible for being disloyal if in the future I wanted to see other people.
I usually avoid the truth If I feel like lying. Its because I am bad at it. If this makes me a logical type, then maybe I am. I just don't think so..
Looking at model A doesn't convince me at all that I am an LII. at all.. but I do like there duals and semi duals. they seem to be exiting and funny. I have never known any very close though.
If there is something about a Ti lead that I am not understanding, please show me. :D I don't mean to be contrary, and by no means do I want to convince you of a type. I want you to convince me that I am wrong if I am. ESI have a hard time with theory if they cant apply it to real life no?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 02:46:11 AM by carrina »

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #62 on: June 23, 2014, 07:54:45 PM »
I would be interested to hear what you mean about ILIs thinking they are superior. I don't get that sort of impression from the ESIs I know... Mostly I would say they are first...concerned about a relationship on an emotional level (do we seem to act like friends and agree what is a friendly way to behave with each other....). As far as logic or imagination is concerned they are either uninterested ( he is talking about something boring that i don't want to get involved in) or they seem either amused or slightly impressed with imaginative use of Ni or assertive use of Te. I wouldn't say superior is a word that I would expect as a complaint about me from an ESI. I wouldn't think that they see me as lacking creativity or perspective either. Can you think of an specific example when you thought an ILI was acting in that way?

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #63 on: June 23, 2014, 11:31:44 PM »
Carrina, thank you for detailed information but we shall take on slowly - one step at a time. :) You don't look, talk or act as ESI. So is your music and your pictures especially  the first ones. ESIs are different. You luck a lot of info and it make me think where should I start at best. There is a lot of we can discuss but I need to think about the quickest way possible so that we do not lose time. Time is precious for ESI - activation function in Model A. ESIs do not waste time and wish quick result. )
 OK, we shall start with Fe.  ESIs do not have problems with Fe at all because they are Fi leading and because the are very strong people - Se creative. ESIs can deal with people who has trouble to control their emotions. LII have trouble with negativity and emotions- it is exactly how you sound when you describe your emotions. Dual is good ESE because they have a magic  power over LII with their positive emotions. Please, try to talk to ESEs so that you feel their positive aura. They will be uplifting for you and you will see in them qualities which you value. They are strong and sincere people, freely express their emotions and get their way easy.
Does it sound the bell, not yet?
I would not take relationships in general as a good criteria but dual relationship do feel different. Although not every dual feels perfect.
If you would be ESI you would not have problems with Fe. Fe is strong but supressed by Fi, non-problematic. ESIs rarely use Fe.  What can be problematic in certain circumstances is Se. ESI may have an impulse to hit before saying anything. LIIs does a lot of screaming and emotional clashes before gets to fists. There should be no impulse to hit in LIIs or ILIs.
How often do you hit your child, Carrina?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 11:34:40 PM by Ольга »
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Re: Carrina
« Reply #64 on: June 23, 2014, 11:48:29 PM »
At this moment I believe that LII is the best option for you. I am a bit concerned with your music though. It is not typical LII music. Could it happen that you were influenced by our friends SLIs in liking some of the music? Do you discuss your music and art preferences with your friends generally?
When I type clients I do keep my mind open and try to check out all possible mistakes. If I see suddenly something very wrong  with your type option I will check it out and let you know that I am not sure.
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Re: Carrina
« Reply #65 on: June 24, 2014, 02:11:00 AM »
(I'm sorry this is so long)

Yes, I like quick results. That doesn't mean ESI though. You really shouldn't discredit it until you speak with me because I am socially shy until I get to know someone or value their discussions. Like I said, I remain distant emotionally until I trust enough. Most people don't know my personality. If you ask my mom what kind of person I am, or the people I work with at the factory, they will tell you that I am a kickass type of person. I don't particularly see myself this way. I don't really like people saying that because I prefer to not stand out, I want to be normal.
I am emotional, vulnerable, and reactive, which is not the impression others get. anyway I don't know if that makes sense.

I do have some trouble with negative emotions. I'm like, get over it. thats why I don't share mine. I only do during intimate moments when individuals can handle it.

Olga, I know one ESE at the moment and she doesn't really seem sincere. She seems overly bubbly, maybe I should ask her what she thinks. I don't have impulse to hit ILI or LII. I have impulses to hit the SEI, the SLE, and the LSI. The SEI I feel that way because she manipulates me and tries to make me fail. I feel sorry for feeling this way. She is jealous and doesn't care to hide it. It hurts my feelings.

I spank my child every day. I spank very easy though because I know it works the same. Its not really a spankin to be honest. I tell my kids to do something once or twice and then they get a swat on the butt if they don't listen.

I feel that I use Fe as well as Fi. I could be playing tricks on myself with this but if I care about someone and I feel like its productive I will engage a person for the sake of the relationship. Knowing about Model A helps me understand what people want. I just don't care enough sometimes but I basically use Fe, atleast I think I do. There are plenty of times though that I don't want to. My mood is what matters here.

 I don't know any LII's or ILI's that I have enough contact with to use violence with them so I can't tell you how I feel about that. (actually I dated an ILI or he tested as one)

Although I do have emotional clashes before resulting to violence. that is true of me. I try to resort to other things first.

This is a story that I am emberrassed to tell but here it is: the other day this person that always parks in the alley and makes me lose access to my garage did it again. I couldn't get through. so I had the desire to throw rocks at his window and then leave. I didn't do it because I am rational but I did want to. I didn't want to talk to him because there was no point, he knows that everyone uses this alley but does it anyway out of stupidity. I was forced to wait and that pissed me off. I don't know what type this relates to.

When I have been in fist fights with the male SLE it was always after a long confrontation. We dated for 3 years but my beef with him was that he was very disrespectful and attempted to hurt feelings because he felt stupid. We fought over this and I just ended up rejecting him out of my life. We wouldn't have fought if it weren't for his lack of respect. It is also his apparent aggression toward women. I would kick someone's ass for hurting a woman in front of me. I wouldn't even hit a woman so who does he think he is to try and be aggressive with one just to get his way? (sorry I am ranting)

 The ILI's have been getting on my nerves. I don't want to hit them of course but I don't really like talking to them. I find that they are very closed minded and refuse to look at other points of view other than their understandings of structured knowledge. The ILI that I dated never became aggressive with me, I never became aggressive with him. After time I did lose all respect for him though. I couldn't rely on him, I am partially to blame of course. We enjoyed power games though.

I am talking about my frustrations with people becuase you said we should start here. I don't have that much of a problem with this area, I am just summarizing my relationship with violence. Speaking of that I had a very violent and abusive upbringing which taught me that people should always be respected. that is one value I don't like to forgive. innocent should be protected and the people I care about will be respected atleast around me, that is for sure. That is my biggest reactor to violence. Oh yeah, so maybe me reacting to "disrespect" when in a bad mood is an Se POLR thing. I really don't know.

The dual relationships DO feel different. I love ENTJ's. we have our conflicts but for the most part we mutually respect each other, share information, remain distant when necessary, and accept each other as equals. There is strong chemistry. I know this is only a slight indicator. I won't argue that it could be other than dual, but they generally make me feel like letting go a little and getting into some kind of sport for the evening like bike riding or jogging. I also enjoy just messing around with them, they do talk too much but they generally love my personality. They respect me more than all the other types. I don't have to ask for respect from them. they make me feel special because they like my logic, although I know I am not that smart, they can laugh at me, they like to hug me. I don't like touching people that much, actually I hate it. I am not around many people that are trustworthy, though. So this is why I appreciate the ENTJs. They generally listen to me when I have something important I want to say.

I don't get my way easy. I allow people to make offers and give the same in return. If I really want something then yeah I guess I "get my way" but I am not a selfish individual. Some things have to be done. I take initiative when I have a goal, no one will get in my way unless I give them control over me, which has happened. oh, I have been rude to people at the counter in speedway for acting stupid. Im so sorry  to have to admit this lol

Does this have something to do with se? Where I work is a very tough physical job. I am the only girl that works there. I am able to work harder and longer than most of the other people there. I love the work, it is like a real life video game to me.

I'm sorry if I seem very confused. I really haven't had a healthy life so I really didn't stand up for myself well when I was younger. I did always stand up for my sister though, even though she gets on my nerves. My family will always have a protector. But as for protecting myself, I don't care that much.

sorry for so much information. As you can see it is very complicated. I don't want you to think that I have so many issues with violence, I don't. I generally feel that when I chose to use violence, I have done it appropriately. The only reason I am talking about this subject is because I want you to understand.

I feel like a horrible person after writing all this.. jeez

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #66 on: June 24, 2014, 02:18:56 AM »
I would be interested to hear what you mean about ILIs thinking they are superior. I don't get that sort of impression from the ESIs I know... Mostly I would say they are first...concerned about a relationship on an emotional level (do we seem to act like friends and agree what is a friendly way to behave with each other....). As far as logic or imagination is concerned they are either uninterested ( he is talking about something boring that i don't want to get involved in) or they seem either amused or slightly impressed with imaginative use of Ni or assertive use of Te. I wouldn't say superior is a word that I would expect as a complaint about me from an ESI. I wouldn't think that they see me as lacking creativity or perspective either. Can you think of an specific example when you thought an ILI was acting in that way?

Hi, mudjumps.
the few ILI's that I know seem to be very one sided about everything. One is very racist. His political views are obviously told to him by the news.
The other ones only talk about what is scientifically accepted, there is no room for exploration. they say things like, please tell me you don't do science? and, you're just sticking words together. You make no sense. I say "actually you don't understand, thats completely different. Plenty of other people here understood me"

The ones I talk to online just seem to be on this magic carpet ride of positive stereotypes. I think they are very intelligent, yet they are also very one sided. I don't see them as being open minded. I don't appreciate people acting like they are smarter then everyone else with obvious arrogance. Maybe I just want to be right? haha. either way, they make me frusterated.
They pretty much spin everything I say and completely misunderstand me, while at the same time disagreeing. I have no time for that. actually its laughable how infuriated I get when people are disagreeing just to disagree and sound smart. OMG I am such troll bait. Please do not troll me or bait me. I can't deal with that today. (joking) Actually it might just be online that they bother me. I did date one for a while and I loved him but he just didn't really back up anything that he said.
The political view.. omg don't get me started.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #67 on: June 24, 2014, 02:27:01 AM »
At this moment I believe that LII is the best option for you. I am a bit concerned with your music though. It is not typical LII music. Could it happen that you were influenced by our friends SLIs in liking some of the music? Do you discuss your music and art preferences with your friends generally?
When I type clients I do keep my mind open and try to check out all possible mistakes. If I see suddenly something very wrong  with your type option I will check it out and let you know that I am not sure.

Sorry I didn't see this question. My music is my own. It speaks to me through my emotions. It makes me exited. my very favorite music in neo-classical heavy metal.

If the SLI influenced me it would have been me enjoying slow jams. I only like them sometimes. the one I know hates heavy metal. He does have good artistic tastes though. His music is good, but its like a little shallow, something to make him seem cool. every song sounds the same. I don't listen to music that isn't without flaw. (Now I am the one who sounds like I think I am superior)
I hate music that doesn't make me want to jump up and down, sing, punch things, or just close my eyes. the violin is my favorite because it gives me adrenaline. It is perfect.

This is hilarious

I like this music in my soul

that song is a cover of this song (obvious references to religion and spirtuality)

I also love this

« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 06:02:04 AM by carrina »

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« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 06:03:55 AM by carrina »

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #69 on: June 24, 2014, 05:13:14 AM »
You requested that I find pictures of people I am instinctively attracted to. I find this hard to do. I am thinking of a few now and will try to get them posted here soon.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 06:03:30 AM by carrina »

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2014, 05:43:42 AM »
Trying to find well known people
























« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 06:09:10 AM by carrina »

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #71 on: June 24, 2014, 10:24:11 AM »
"This is a story that I am emberrassed to tell but here it is: the other day this person that always parks in the alley and makes me lose access to my garage did it again. I couldn't get through. so I had the desire to throw rocks at his window and then leave. I didn't do it because I am rational but I did want to. I didn't want to talk to him because there was no point, he knows that everyone uses this alley but does it anyway out of stupidity. I was forced to wait and that pissed me off. I don't know what type this relates to. "

It is a pressure on your Se vulnerable. You are get overemotional because feel helpless. Yes, there are  a lot of stupid people around, you are not the one. You are logical, you do not understand how to deal with such stupid people. If you would be ESI - you would know how to put pressure on people (Se creative) in different situations without  getting over emotional. People push you - you tolerate easily as you know how to push back. But you only do it when it is truly necessary. There is not need for emotions. Some people are more smart and some are not. People are just people.
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Re: Carrina
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2014, 10:32:28 AM »
"When I have been in fist fights with the male SLE it was always after a long confrontation. We dated for 3 years but my beef with him was that he was very disrespectful and attempted to hurt feelings because he felt stupid. We fought over this and I just ended up rejecting him out of my life. We wouldn't have fought if it weren't for his lack of respect. It is also his apparent aggression toward women. I would kick someone's ass for hurting a woman in front of me. I wouldn't even hit a woman so who does he think he is to try and be aggressive with one just to get his way? (sorry I am ranting)".

SLE was not good for you because his programme Se falls on to your vulnerable Se. LIIs belong to Superego (SE)- quadra and they can sacrifice themselves for others as any SE- type. It is because for all 4 types Ti+Fi - moral rules and prinziples of behaviouir, judging are very important. You have mixed up role Fi for programme Fi. it is similar but not the same. There is ethical logics and logical ethics. You demonstrate to me logical ethics, which is true and right but not that flexible enough and miss on details. if you would be Fi programme you would be much more relaxed in situation with people. Ethical types see people differently. I cannot imagine than any of SEI types could give you trouble. Se creative is much more powerful than Fe creative.

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #73 on: June 24, 2014, 10:45:11 AM »
The ILI's have been getting on my nerves. I don't want to hit them of course but I don't really like talking to them. I find that they are very closed minded and refuse to look at other points of view other than their understandings of structured knowledge. The ILI that I dated never became aggressive with me, I never became aggressive with him. After time I did lose all respect for him though. I couldn't rely on him, I am partially to blame of course. We enjoyed power games though.

There is more similarity and not enough difference to be exciting for each other, I guess.

I am talking about my frustrations with people becuase you said we should start here. I don't have that much of a problem with this area, I am just summarizing my relationship with violence. Speaking of that I had a very violent and abusive upbringing which taught me that people should always be respected. that is one value I don't like to forgive. innocent should be protected and the people I care about will be respected atleast around me, that is for sure. That is my biggest reactor to violence. Oh yeah, so maybe me reacting to "disrespect" when in a bad mood is an Se POLR thing. I really don't know."

Good thinking! Look, your respect issue is to do with your programme Ti - authority, hierarchy, order, structure, thinking. And on the other hand - vulnerable Se. This is a powerful combination which makes Robespierre in France send lots of people to guillotine. He was also very emotional about disrespect of what he valued and did not have creative Se. Ti and control - is a powerful and dangerous combination for LII. But with experience they learn to control their anger and channel it into libido - life enjoyment, hobbies and etc.

ESI -EII - this is the type close to Jesus and he was extremely patient and tolerant with people. If he could have emotional problems - he would not be able to carry on the mission. :)

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Re: Carrina
« Reply #74 on: June 24, 2014, 11:01:29 AM »
The dual relationships DO feel different. I love ENTJ's. we have our conflicts but for the most part we mutually respect each other, share information, remain distant when necessary, and accept each other as equals. There is strong chemistry. I know this is only a slight indicator. I won't argue that it could be other than dual, but they generally make me feel like letting go a little and getting into some kind of sport for the evening like bike riding or jogging. I also enjoy just messing around with them, they do talk too much but they generally love my personality. They respect me more than all the other types. I don't have to ask for respect from them. they make me feel special because they like my logic, although I know I am not that smart, they can laugh at me, they like to hug me. I don't like touching people that much, actually I hate it. I am not around many people that are trustworthy, though. So this is why I appreciate the ENTJs. They generally listen to me when I have something important I want to say.

I don't get my way easy. I allow people to make offers and give the same in return. If I really want something then yeah I guess I "get my way" but I am not a selfish individual. Some things have to be done. I take initiative when I have a goal, no one will get in my way unless I give them control over me, which has happened. oh, I have been rude to people at the counter in speedway for acting stupid. Im so sorry  to have to admit this lol

Does this have something to do with se? Where I work is a very tough physical job. I am the only girl that works there. I am able to work harder and longer than most of the other people there. I love the work, it is like a real life video game to me.

Carrina - you belong to Superego types - they are hardworking people and you can rely on them in any aspect of work. LIIs are often workerholics. And so LSi. they ususally don't know what they want but they know that they want to work. The quality of work they produce is a personal pride. Perfectionists.

I'm sorry if I seem very confused. I really haven't had a healthy life so I really didn't stand up for myself well when I was younger. I did always stand up for my sister though, even though she gets on my nerves. My family will always have a protector. But as for protecting myself, I don't care that much.

This is true for all Se-types to a different degree. LSI will stand up for himself easily because authority is values and have the means to push it in the right way - Se creative.

sorry for so much information. As you can see it is very complicated. I don't want you to think that I have so many issues with violence, I don't. I generally feel that when I chose to use violence, I have done it appropriately. The only reason I am talking about this subject is because I want you to understand.

I feel like a horrible person after writing all this.. jeez

No, it is all fine with me. I can understand your feelings. People have different experience. It must have been very stressful for you as you felt pressure of violence on your Se so often. But Se is in your mental block of model A. That means you don't like to use but potentially capable of it. You have more power control and understanding over Se use than ILIs - Se as suggestive. You can get into fights when it is necessary and ILIs hardly ever fight back. They feel lost in front of the Se. They prefer to ignore it and avoid as possible as they can.

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