Ok. So now I should post everything here?
"Yes, as I wrote, all of these pictures are mine; I like music, especially alternative. I'm not big fan of drama and comedy films, at least most of them and I don't like fiction and letter books".
"I took tests: Non-verbal test - LII/subtype Don Kichot. Associative test - LSE. Pattern test - " Introverted profile || Superid - Superego – Id - Ego
Dominance : Superid
Superid-types - Sergei Yesenin (IEI), Honoré de Balzac (ILI), Alexandre Dumas (SEI) and Jean Gabin (SLI)
Support: - Superego
Superego-types (Fyodor Dostoyevsky (EII), Theodore Dreiser (ESI), Maximilien Robespierre (LII), Maxim Gorky (LSI)
Neutrality: Id
Id-types - Aldous Huxley (IEE), Don Quixote (ILE), Napoleon I (SEE) and Georgy Zhukov (SLE)
Deficiency: Ego
Ego-types - Hamlet (EIE), Victor Hugo (ESE), Jack London (LIE) and Stierlitz (LSE)".
Olga: "OK, thank you. You can post films and additional information on the forum. Pattern test - it is enough just a profile like this: Superid - Superego – Id - Ego. You will need to do the Pattern test and associative test one more time and it could be done tomorrow.
So far you have such options from the tests: LII, ILE, LSE, and introverted pofile with leading Superid.
We see the dominance of logics, so I assume you see yourself strongly as a logical type. it would strange suggest otherwise. Because this is a tendency.
The next question to ask the group - if there is anything in your preferences which strongly suggest ethics? I mean, can we confirm that preferences in art in music are in harmony with the logic preferences in tests?
What do you think, Maksymilian Sobolewski - would it be logical to suggest logics as your preference by looking at your test results and NP (noon-verbal preferences)?"
Maksymilian Sobolewski Yes. Logic type, but not sure if Te or Ti ego; Non-verbal test again - ILI, subtype Don Kichot.
Olga Tangemann That's sound good to me - we go with logics. It seems to me that intuition is leading as well. It is kind of very obvious in your preferences too. Because it is not real objects - it is imaginative art.
Maksymilian Sobolewski Yea, what with my pictures? (and maybe music that i have posted), can you tell more about them? What blocks or something?
Olga Tangemann Yes, I will tell you but I want you to understand as much as you can and agree as well or disagree. No rush. Thinking takes time, right?
For example, now we have suggested club of scientists for you - NT. Are you happy with that or you have any objections?
Maksymilian Sobolewski I was thinking about NT as a club for me. There is only one objection - i'm not always very farsighted.
Olga Tangemann Next we need to think about your TPE group. We can do it from different perspectives. In TPE system if you value intuition - you are either ILE or ILI. If you value more logics - LII or LIE.
Maksymilian Sobolewski Yes, I understand. It's really hard to choose though...
Olga Tangemann What does it mean for you to be "very farsighted"? If it will be to do with ethics or sensing - you are allowed to be not farsighted.
Maksymilian Sobolewski I belive that Ni is very farsighted function, I mean, look at Ni polrs - they don't plan, don't think about future.
Olga In fact it is not that difficult because there are different ways to do it. Your non-verbal etst results suggest LII - ILE, ILI - ILE, LSE and introverted profile on the pattern test. (Please do the pattern test one more time.)
That means on tests we have strong statics - once, strong irrationality and numerous introversion - all results start with introverted types: LII or ILI. So far I would go with introversion based on tests results. Are you generally happy with introversion or you have objections?
-Ok, once we had LSE on associative test. We need second result on Associaitve test as well. It is all formal but necessary - because we need to analyse something objective. If I just say - I see this and that - that would not be very solid for you, is it?
-Ni polrs - ESE and LSE - they are rational types, of course they plan because they do not have intuition. And because they are ratioanl types - they need solid base - control over circumstances.
-If I would talk now with my fellows I would say: I see this and that. But for you it is not an argument - what I see as you don't know the approach. I am trying to make sense of your test results - because it is something objective for us - and you can understand it how I make conclusions based on your results.
Maksymilian Sobolewski Associative test - SLI Gabin. Pattern test - Introverted profile || Superid - Superego – Id - Ego.
Olga Tangemann Very good, thank you. So, we have again introverted type and introverted profile. Now sensing again.
So, I would suggest Superid type ILI, Superid subtype - SLI and subtype LII (TPE), introverted profile. How do you feel about ILI as a type preference for you?
Please, tell me what you think or doubt about your type and how your thoughts about type option changed through the time?
Maksymilian Sobolewski Sali Oguri Olga Tangemann I think ILI make sanse, Karol thinks that I'm Ti1 though...
Sali Oguri I can't tell from the pictures if they're Superid or Superego. Pics 3 and 4 have Superego colors but look Superid to me. Pic 4 is abstract but with realistic trees growing on a tire (?), a very interesting image.
Olga Tangemann Agree, Sali Oguri. it is exactly how Ni looks sometimes and it could be due to the static profile either Superego or Id. But because the colours are introverted I would think more about Superego too.
That what the pictures made me think LII- ILI. But if we look at the music....a very different picture emerge - definitely Superid for me- irrational. I can hear very clearly ILI preference in music and also SLI and even I had a thought about SEI at one point - this is the music choice. I did not hear exactly Fe polr though or very strong dynamics as Ego -subtype. But introverted superid -dynamics - yes.
Music is definitely more dynamic than his pictures. Pictures are symbolic. The first one - is introverted dynamics very much so. the ship is more LII- like and just the waves could be considered as dynamic but still pretty much LII picture.
Bascially, by the pcitures it would be a bit hard to say because introverted NT have usually balanced rationality and irrationality.
And we still did not see his films scenes from u- tube.
Olga Tangemann Forgot about pictures and music he does not like. the picture with the girl would not be a real problem for LII because it is a static portrait - why not? It shows that ethics is not preference considered with fav. choice of pictures: ship against the girl. Still I would not see why LII would strongly object the picture with the girl. it is an odernery rational art.
Music which he does not like is Se and the singer most likely SEE - this was my impression. Than we go back and remember what he said - he does not like comedy (Id) and drama (Fe, ethics may be)- something like that. He likes alternative music - sounds already irrational to me.