Olga, I am still unclear about the difference between logic and rationality, but I think your assessment of me being a J type because of my need for control is a pretty good one. Still, I am unsure because I can be immune to guilt trips as well, and when the need arises, I can go with the flow quite easily and adapt. That's how I worked in music, TV and radio, especially if it had to be done live, which was nerve-wracking but got done without going into panic mode. As a lifelong performer, I can have grace under pressure.
It's absolutely fascinating and surprising what you said about Ethical types not feeling guilty, nor in need of being honest about their feelings, because they need only to people please. That drives me up the wall about people; does such behavior not constitute as lying? The only realm I accept not being honest is for the sake of keeping romantic feelings alive--no, we don't answer questions that play on each other's vulnerabilities, but protect each other's feelings if we love each other, out of kindness and mercy, good manners and all that. But that's not the same thing as not resolving issues that arise in the relationship. I guess I'm selective about when it's important and when it's not.
I'm not even sure I'm really an Introvert, because no one in my life has ever thought I was one, although I have been told once, "You're so quiet!" by one of the actors I worked with in a voice over session. The actors were constantly joking and telling stories, and I was enjoying their company but also wanted just to get the work done efficiently without wasting too much time. I suppose I am slightly dull and boring in the eyes of bubblier people, though I can surprise people with one-liners out of the blue, and also lend warmth to a situation if need be.
I had some things stolen from my house once by a babysitter. It was almost impossible to get this person to confess in front of the parents; not even the threat of involving the police would do it, but I relayed the importance of the stolen goods in my family down memory lane, and got this babysitter crying and confessing, later returning the things. I believed this person understood my concern wasn't just for my things and justice but to reach this person's heart through mine. I think I am ruled by both heart and mind, but my heart wins out in the end.
I am uncomfortable with the notion of the mind and heart being separate. My feelings are connected to the mind. I suppose my mind is at the mercy of my heart if I also can't hide my feelings well.