there are a few pictures which we could refer to Superid: 1 , 2, 7. May be 3 and 4 as well. Ego - 5, may be 8 and 9 as well. 6 - extraverted - profile - Id- Ego.
Some pictures do not fit to any particular TPE but in between.
Another way to look at the pictures when we want to understand the profile and leading TPE is to see what is the preference on the TPE- level.
I would say that pictures are mainly irrational. They do not show to us the real world as it is. There is a high degree of perception - artist interpretation of what he sees. In some way it is typical to art in general but we are talking about a higher or lower degree of realism.
I would say that two pictures seem to me as being more rational: 2 and 5. Other pictures like 8 and 9 - maybe, but not sure.
If we consider extraversion - introversion then I would agree that there is half - half. Not very obvious. We can say that as regards to introverted pictures then definitely energy Syperid. If we look at the extraverted pictures then although there is plenty of red colour ( Ego) there is also a high degree of irrationality and abstraction which is Id.
One TPE which is hardly any is Superego. Once we have decided that irrationality stands out more than extraversion- introversion or statics- dynamics we can write her profile like that Superid - Id- Ego - Superego.
But we also need to look how the preference staics - dynamics is expressed in her choice. While we type we can update her profile. It is because we look step by step from different angles.
There is quite a lot of dynamics and drama in her pictures and this is most likely because of the presence of Superid Energy. It is expressed in colour ( black and red ) and also in the content for example picture 7 and 8, 6 as well.
At the same time we have statics as well: 1, 3, 4, 5. Dynamics-statics can be expressed in colour and in stability- movement of objects. Some pictures can have static in the form and dynamics in the content (colour) e.g. picture 1 and 3.
Picture 4 is more static than dynamic, very unusual and looks like a caricature. It is not detail which interests the artist but the form of the object ( body) and he deliberately distorts the form as id he is afraid that it will look real. We can say a lot more about each picture but for us is important to see in general the basic preferences.
I am not sure if Lina is Superid or Id type but I would say irrational type for sure.