Let's have a look at what pictures of Plateau can tell us? There are no strict rules of the analysis with what to start or finish. I will start with a functional profile. I see that the pictures are consistent with the logical intuitive profile. There is a huge presence of geometric form - clear cut edges of objects and lines. More geometric rather than intuitive and this suggests the dominance of logic over intuition.
Humans are presented as flat objects or fictional and cartoon-like. We do not see a lot of details of what they may feel. Just a generally positive outlook on some pictures and on the others we do not see clearly their faces. They are not shown realistic or with humour. They are outlined and presented as other objects in the picture, not standing out. As a bright example are pictures of the cyclist, the lady on a platform or a man with the guitar.
Intuition dominates over logic in the pictures of abstract geometric faces, in the picture of the girl with a bike and a picture of a romantic couple in pink and grey colours. Once again these are not real pictures of people but an imaginative view and symbolic, abstract view.
So, we can conclude that pictures are definitely consistent with a logical intuitive profile.
Next step is to asses art preferences in relation to TPE. And for this, I would suggest going straight to his strong dislikes. Two of the pictures he strongly dislikes belong to Superid energy - the Halloween like the face of the girl and the scary lady with the cloth over her head and screaming face. Plateau definitely rejects the idea of the death being "sexy". No attraction of this kind. This dismisses straight away the possibility of him being a Superid type and ILI as tests results suggested.
Can we say that his art preferences are consistent with the type LII? For this, we need to find at least the two attributes present out of the three which constitute together Superego energy: rationality, statics, introversion.
- All pictures are pretty clear and understandable apart of the picture with abstract geometric faces. Rationality dominates over irrationality.
- While we have some extraverted dynamics of objects - a visible expression of movements like the wave of wind behind the cyclist, the young lady on the bike and the lady on the platform is moving towards the train and the sporting lady with the ball. However, this is not a genuine introverted dynamics because there is an absence of small lines and obscured outlines of the objects. If we can cut with the scissors the objects in the picture then we deal with static objects. Even if they are presented in the process of movement and not just staying or sitting still. the well-outlined forms of the objects suggest statics moment like a picture while true dynamic art of movement creates an absence of such momentum. The best statics picture in his preference would be a man with the guitar because here we have a flat pictured and well-outlined object in a static position of sitting.
Introversion or extraversion? the pictures are not too dark or too light or too bright. In general, his pictures have calm and peaceful colours where bright colours are complemented with lighter or darker shades. The brightest pictures which could be considered as extraverted with a large object and bright orange colour would be the picture of a sporting lady. Other pictures are more or less of the same colour scheme. For example, the lady on a bike in brown shades, cyclist in grey - purle shades and also is the lady on a platform - monotone colour scheme.
Yes, the movement of the objects which I relate to extraverted dynamics can be confusing whether dynamics dominates over statics or on the opposite?
But as we do not see clear signs of introverted dynamics and we have the rejection of Superid energy we can only think of the presence of the dynamics coming from Ego-energy. It would be right to consider Ego-energy as complementing Superego energy and the TPE profile Superego- Ego.
This shows Plateau as an ambitious introvert with the strive to be a strong leader and strong intentions to be a hero or a champion. I am sure we could give more thought and tell about his personality by looking more deeply into his art preferences...but this is not necessary for type identification.

We are not storytellers but professionals in type identification. However....this part of psychoanalysis is also possible and then it would be a part of art-therapy where art preference reveals more about the person than just a type.