ТПЭ квадры - TPE quadras => Суперэго - типы => Робеспьер - LII => Topic started by: Ольга on March 06, 2019, 09:31:09 AM
Hy everyone. This thread is for diagnostics of Plateau. You are welcome to take part in the discussions if you know or in the process of learning the method of associative psycho-diagnostics (APD). :)
I'm sorry that it took so long.
I needed to process a lot of information :-)
All time favourite music:
Guns N' Roses - You Could Be Mine
Commentary: I was 12. My mom died 2 years earlier and I still wasn’t able to process it. Adam from our class whose brother died of suicide and Adam was externalizing his emotions violently, beating up some of the kids and openly opposing the teachers, suggested I should listen to GN’R “because you’ll like it”. Axl had it all for me. He didn’t care about anything. I didn’t understand the domestic violence then (I think I remember that he wasn’t the cutest boyfriend...), so I didn’t condemn that at that time. He had outbursts of anger. He dressed in flashy clothes. He had a really bad youth, yet managed to get to the top. Also, my brother was telling me that I was “swapped in the hospital”, because I don’t look that much like rest of our family. But, strangely, I looked quite similar to Axl, to Arnold Schwarzenegger, to Dolph Lundgren. Now I know it would be called an influence of “Cromagnoid race”, but then I was feeling an almost “spiritual connection” with those guys. There was also a “Mean Trio” in my school class. When I was smiling, I showed my gums. So they often approached me and their “chieftain” Magda used to say to me: “Jan... show your gums”. I knew that beating up girls was not allowed, so my plan was to eradicate all the feelings, be robot-like, exactly like Arnie was in Terminator. Now I think my mechanical walking from that time gave a lot of amusement for some people, but then I saw it as a “reasonable” strategy :-) When we were finishing school and preparing for the next one, the maths teacher gave me top mark and Magda got the lower one. She shouted at the teacher that such a “nothing” as Jan shouldn’t get better mark than she. Math exams for a new school turned out to be much harder than in previous years. I passed the exam. Magda didn’t manage to do that. I had a warm fuzzy feeling of victory when I found out about it. I often find out that even now I tap the opening percussion rhythm of the song with my fingers when I wait for something. My wife laughs at me that I have a “snake dance” (Axl used to dance like that in some of his performances). Those guys taught me to regulate outbursts of emotions with music.
Pantera - Cemetery Gates
Commentary: They released a LP with this song in 1990. A year after my mom died after 3 years of fight with cancer. The first LP I heard of them was their 1994 album. My aunt from USA sent me a t-shirt with cover of this 1994 LP printed on it. I got intruigued and bought this album. I loved them. My father laughed at me, that “Pan tera a pan potem” (“You Mr now, and you Mr after him” in Polish, a wordplay on band’s name). I didn’t know English well then, but now I find an interesting coincidence that this song exactly processes my own feelings (“And when she died I should've cried and spared myself some pain…”) from that time and was probably written at the same time when my mom died. I didn’t cry at the funeral. A few months later I dropped the whole wardrobe on myself and started to cry and my father instead of checking if I am OK beat me up, “because I cried when feeling sorry for myself and didn’t cry at my mom’s funeral”.
Dead Can Dance - The Carnival Is Over
Commentary: I somewhat “remembered” this video when I “first saw it” (or maybe I really saw it before). It’s so peaceful and I love the underlying theme / pattern in this song. It is also “strange”. Also, this is a song singed by Brendan Perry. I think I like him more than Lisa Gerrard, I especially was feeling sorry for him when he was mourning his loss after splitting ways with Lisa Gerrard on his first solo album.
Arcturus - The Chaos Path
First metal band that was strange. Those clothes and theatricity. I was at that time into "true" black metal and had some hard time even trying something new... but I tried and they started my adventure with this kind of stuff in metal. Also, the chaos path is, well, my path, as I often jokingly "pray to gods of chaos".
Pokemon intro
I think it was a time when I saw some light some time after my both parents were already dead. This song gives me energy, and is so child-like <3
Tom Waits - Downtown train
Strange and sad and lovely music... at least for me :-)
Sia - Chandelier
I heard it on the radio. At the similar time I heard “The Greatest”, so it was probably 2016. “It hit me like a bolt from the sky”. Pop. Pop that is intense, sad, loud, dramatic, maybe even a bit angry, full of sorrow. At that time I was still mostly into metal music. I was ashamed to admit I like some of the more commercial songs. It was enough for me that some of my friends were ashamed of me, because some other people called me a “fag” because of my clothing style (often bright, sometimes demonstrative, usually oddly matched). Sia was a breakthrough. It was a gradual change, but now I usually can look someone in the eyes and state that yes, I listen to pop too and your opinion about pop music, about me listening to it can’t affect me. Obviously, I instantly read Sia’s life story and felt a lot compassion and understanding for her and when she released a merry X-mas album it made me really happy that she seems to be healing. (All my top 5 Spotify songs from 2018 are from this album). Interesting, that Maddie Ziegler (the dancer) performs a role of an “ambassador” or “avatar” for Sia. (And that her dance is kind of “mechanical”). That’s the type of mutual help (Sia and Maddie) I like the most.
LSD - Audio
I’m extremely happy that Sia “got her shit together”. I love LSD because there are three people who are from totally different backgrounds, yet they formed a whole and created a strange pop music. I see no coherent story in it, yet this randomness doesn’t seem to be disturbing. Last year I read an article that mentioned that after meeting Donald Trump and rejecting his proposal to do a selfie together, Sia got a “crazy diarrhea”. That made me feel even more connected to her mentally (diarrhea after stressful events, after asserting oneself).
David Hasselhoff - True Survivor
All my youth packed "nicely" into one music video. I do the gear change the same way as Kung Fury (the movie protagonist) does it :-P
Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes
I just love this guy. A surprised look that can be often seen on his face. He is somewhat a clown. He is a moralist. He loves his Ma and wants her to be proud of him. Diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, medicated. He managed to get to the top and is happily admitting it and enjoying his success, yet I somewhat “sense” he is still humble. His voice range is amazing. He doesn’t complicate things that can be told in a simple language. I was considering the other song as my favourite ( ), but I think “High Hopes” makes for a better “locomotive” for the album.
Music which I dislike:
(I'm sorry that I do it to your ears... and eyes...)
The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
Scooter - How Much Is The Fish?
Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
10 favourite art pictures which you are happy to put on the wall:
3-4 art pictures you strongly dislike:
Make up as a form of art... but this kind of thing I find disgusting
3-4 art pictures you strongly dislike:
The picture is "good", but the demonic image of someone "insane"... scary!
Really, really bad art, I hate that technique:
Test results:
I'm sorry that I am posting this way. In a constant hurry recently and I didn't thought how to post it nicely before I started to post...
Test results in pictures:
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What we can see in the preferences of Plateau?
As a practitioner, I start looking at the non-verbal preferences first to get a vibe of energy from the pictures and from the very detailed commentaries that Plateau has provided. I want to go deeper into his experiences to understand how he sees and feels about music and art and events of his life. It is a very special and enjoyable experience and learning process at the same time.
But to analyse (as a presentation of my opinion of his personality type) I would start with the results of the tests. Why? For two simple reason - this is an objective part of the measurement and not just what I may or may not think. This is a quantitative approach which is a part of diagnostics which does not depend on my or your views. Tests are based on my concept and were created to replace the practitioner and as a helpful instrument for the person to better understand his type. They produce factual information and give me an idea of how Plateau see his type and whether his opinion is consistent.
The nonverbal test was taken twice by P. and ad it shows stronger introversion than any other attribute of his TPE group. As regards to the functional profile, we have logic and intuition. This test results suggest two options ILI or LII. Great!
Associative test result points to LII which is consistent with introversion logics and intuition. The subtype test result points to irrationality.
On the whole ILI type came out a bit stronger than LII type on the results and this is what we need to check out by looking at Plateau's nonverbal preferences.
One thing is how the practitioner feels subjectively about the type of the client and another thing is how he presents his point of view and argues the case - objectively for everyone to see and judge.
Let's have a look at what pictures of Plateau can tell us? There are no strict rules of the analysis with what to start or finish. I will start with a functional profile. I see that the pictures are consistent with the logical intuitive profile. There is a huge presence of geometric form - clear cut edges of objects and lines. More geometric rather than intuitive and this suggests the dominance of logic over intuition.
Humans are presented as flat objects or fictional and cartoon-like. We do not see a lot of details of what they may feel. Just a generally positive outlook on some pictures and on the others we do not see clearly their faces. They are not shown realistic or with humour. They are outlined and presented as other objects in the picture, not standing out. As a bright example are pictures of the cyclist, the lady on a platform or a man with the guitar.
Intuition dominates over logic in the pictures of abstract geometric faces, in the picture of the girl with a bike and a picture of a romantic couple in pink and grey colours. Once again these are not real pictures of people but an imaginative view and symbolic, abstract view.
So, we can conclude that pictures are definitely consistent with a logical intuitive profile. :)
Next step is to asses art preferences in relation to TPE. And for this, I would suggest going straight to his strong dislikes. Two of the pictures he strongly dislikes belong to Superid energy - the Halloween like the face of the girl and the scary lady with the cloth over her head and screaming face. Plateau definitely rejects the idea of the death being "sexy". No attraction of this kind. This dismisses straight away the possibility of him being a Superid type and ILI as tests results suggested.
Can we say that his art preferences are consistent with the type LII? For this, we need to find at least the two attributes present out of the three which constitute together Superego energy: rationality, statics, introversion.
- All pictures are pretty clear and understandable apart of the picture with abstract geometric faces. Rationality dominates over irrationality.
- While we have some extraverted dynamics of objects - a visible expression of movements like the wave of wind behind the cyclist, the young lady on the bike and the lady on the platform is moving towards the train and the sporting lady with the ball. However, this is not a genuine introverted dynamics because there is an absence of small lines and obscured outlines of the objects. If we can cut with the scissors the objects in the picture then we deal with static objects. Even if they are presented in the process of movement and not just staying or sitting still. the well-outlined forms of the objects suggest statics moment like a picture while true dynamic art of movement creates an absence of such momentum. The best statics picture in his preference would be a man with the guitar because here we have a flat pictured and well-outlined object in a static position of sitting.
Introversion or extraversion? the pictures are not too dark or too light or too bright. In general, his pictures have calm and peaceful colours where bright colours are complemented with lighter or darker shades. The brightest pictures which could be considered as extraverted with a large object and bright orange colour would be the picture of a sporting lady. Other pictures are more or less of the same colour scheme. For example, the lady on a bike in brown shades, cyclist in grey - purle shades and also is the lady on a platform - monotone colour scheme.
Yes, the movement of the objects which I relate to extraverted dynamics can be confusing whether dynamics dominates over statics or on the opposite?
But as we do not see clear signs of introverted dynamics and we have the rejection of Superid energy we can only think of the presence of the dynamics coming from Ego-energy. It would be right to consider Ego-energy as complementing Superego energy and the TPE profile Superego- Ego.
This shows Plateau as an ambitious introvert with the strive to be a strong leader and strong intentions to be a hero or a champion. I am sure we could give more thought and tell about his personality by looking more deeply into his art preferences...but this is not necessary for type identification. ;) We are not storytellers but professionals in type identification. However....this part of psychoanalysis is also possible and then it would be a part of art-therapy where art preference reveals more about the person than just a type.
As regards to Plateau music, I will not go into more details right now and just say that there is quite a lot of Ego music in his list with some of the songs made me think also about Superego and Superid energy preferences. The associative psycho-diagnostics can be long and very detailed and I am happy to do it as an example of teaching the method. The Practioner decides how much information is prepared to reveal to the client and if this is necessary or not for type identification. If I think that I have said enough to be objective and convincing I can stop here. If the client or other interested parties have got a question.....I am always happy to carry on explaining. :)
I would like to add that the type of Plateau has been discussed in private messaging and he is happy with the results because this is what he also thought about his type before.
At the end of the APD I also state the subtype and the TPE profile. Although subtype is not like a type and can change during the course of life I still think it is useful to discuss it with the client and suggest this option. It can be more clearly evident or more obscure from client to client. I would suggest the rational profile Superego - Ego more than Superego- Superid which test results suggested. It seems to me that Plateau is in a strong position of reaching to the sky. Maybe his natural introversion is something which was always there but there is more to Plateau personality and there is a desire for more achievement in life.
Thank you very much, Plateau, for taking part in Associative express diagnostics! :D