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News: Registration on the forum through the email only to olgatangemann@gmail.com The English edition of the book "Personality Type and Art" is available at Cambridge Scholars Publishing website. The German edition of the book "Personlichkeitstyp und Kunst" is available to buy on Amazon.de in paperback for 29.99 and online options for 9.99

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Topics - Ольга

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  Great news for anyone interested in personality typology: a remarkable article outlining the contents of the new book has appeared on the Book in Focus page of Cambridge Scholars Publishing. For the first time the book became available to readers in English in April of this year. If you haven’t heard anything about it yet, now is the time to get acquainted with its description and use the opportunity to purchase the book with a 25 percent discount on the publisher’s website.
I will be grateful to anyone who will kindly share this link with their friends so that as many people as possible know about the existence of a new book and have the opportunity to purchase it. The book is the best gift!

I have been researching and studying the theory of 16 personality types for over 20 years. During these studies, I developed my own concept of a link between art preferences and the psychological make-up of people. This was the beginning of the idea of associative socionics, a model of the human psyche in the form of a butterfly and a new method for understanding personality types.

Similar books by other authors describe artists and their work in relation to their personality types, but lack a systematic approach to interpreting art separately from the psychological type of artist producing it. This lack of a more general concept and method prevents people from identifying personality types based on their musical and artistic preferences.

The reason for this is partly understandable. After all, some may claim that paintings and music do not possess a psyche, and hence have no personality. According to the new concept presented in this book, works of art bear the imprint of psychic energy, which can be understood and explained using the same basic criteria of the typology of 16 personality types. To understand people’s preferences in art, one should not invent new dichotomies or describe functions differently to complicate the theory and practice of typology any further.

The uniqueness of this book is that the reader will benefit from distinguishing between the types of psychic energy present in works of art and gain insight about the stable psycho-physiological characteristics of the personality, without asking questions of a personal nature. This is the difference between this book and other books with similar titles.

  Great news for anyone interested in personality typology: a remarkable article outlining the contents of the new book has appeared on the Book in Focus page of Cambridge Scholars Publishing. For the first time the book became available to readers in English in April of this year. If you haven’t heard anything about it yet, now is the time to get acquainted with its description and use the opportunity to purchase the book with a 25 percent discount on the publisher’s website.
  I will be grateful to anyone who will kindly share this link with their friends so that as many people as possible know about the existence of a new book and have the opportunity to purchase it. The book is the best gift!

The author explains how to understand and interpret art, as well as people’s artistic preferences, using the criteria of typology. A beginner in socionics will also find in the book a description of the basic concepts of the founder of socionics, Aušra Augustinavičiūtė. Numerous illustrations by various artists and lists of favourite genres of music for all 16 types, as well as their profiles, are provided as learning materials. This makes the reading of the book both enjoyable and rewarding.

Olga Tangemann studied at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the Khabarovsk Pedagogical Institute, Russia, and the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Pedagogical University of Saint Petersburg. She holds a Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology from the University of Leicester, UK, and worked as an Assistant Therapist at the Royal Free Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) at Edgware Community Hospital in London. She is the author of several articles on socionics and head of the school of associative socionics.

Psychodiagnostics / MOVED: APD - T. (art & Music)
« on: February 25, 2022, 12:06:23 PM »

Бальзак - ILI / APD - T. (art & Music)
« on: January 27, 2022, 01:06:08 PM »
 Art preferences


It is very tough for me to find my favorite piece of art. It is much easier to go through a list of my favorite paintings. Perhaps because I have a less inclination to the visual arts than the musical art, where I can easily choose my favorite songs, musicians and albums. I could tell you my favorite painters and genres off-hand. I like surrealism, abstract, dark fantasy, post-impressionist work. I don't like realism or pop art like Andy Warhol. My favorite painters are Salvador Dali, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Mattise, Kadinsky, Kahlo, Francis Bacon, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Klimt, Cessane and a few more. But that is half the well-known artists.
The ones I enjoy have much more expression, intensity and vibrance to them. They are not anything ordinary but otherworldly. There is a great range of color and texture.
The ones I dislike are bland, monochromatic and simplistic. Part of me wonders why anyone would enjoy it. But they are just realism and technically good in terms of artistic technique. But there is no substance to it whatsoever.
Мне очень сложно найти свое любимое произведение искусства. Гораздо проще пройтись по списку моих любимых картин. Возможно, потому, что к изобразительному искусству у меня меньше склонности, чем к музыкальному искусству, где я легко могу выбрать свои любимые песни, музыкантов и альбомы. Я мог бы навскидку назвать своих любимых художников и жанры. Люблю сюрреализм, абстракцию, темное фэнтези, постимпрессионистские работы. Я не люблю реализм или поп-арт, как Энди Уорхол. Моими любимыми художниками являются Сальвадор Дали, Жан-Мишель Баския, Маттис, Кадински, Кало, Фрэнсис Бэкон, Ван Гог, Моне, Пикассо, Климт, Сессане и еще несколько. Но это половина известных художников.
Те, что мне нравятся, обладают гораздо большей экспрессией, интенсивностью и яркостью. Они не обычные, а потусторонние. Существует большой выбор цветов и текстур.
Те, которые мне не нравятся, мягкие, однотонные и упрощенные. Часть меня задается вопросом, почему кому-то это может понравиться. Но они как раз реалистичны и технически хороши с точки зрения художественной техники. Но в этом нет никакой субстанции.

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Джек Лондон - LIE / Анюта - Сентябрь 2021
« on: September 17, 2021, 09:33:19 AM »
Нравится :)

Картинки, которые нравятся:
фото интересных мест, уникальных достопримечательностей. Обычно мне важно, что это реально существующие места, без наложения фильтров и фотошопа, потому что, возможно я захочу увидеть вживую.
картины и фото где есть признаки высокого социального статуса, стабильной жизни. Предметы, товары, авто, кулинарные изыски, классическая одежда, любые элементы, отделка качества люкс
фото, макросъемка и диджитал-картины с утонченной игрой цвета, освещения, контраста и фактур. Такие картины действуют расслабляюще для моих глаз, успокаивают, поэтому я люблю рассматривать иногда, чтобы отдохнуть от напряжения и работы. По этой причине именно этот тип картин я чаще всего выставляю на обои рабочего стола как слайд-шоу.
поп-арт и прочее искусство фьюжен. Часто это с юмором переработанные предметы искусства, например, рекламные плакаты прошлого.
картины с эффектом иллюзии растворения в пространстве. На таких картинах объект словно не существует в реальности. По той же причине нравятся картинки-загадки в стиле найди такие-то предметы или несколько отличий. Нравится тренировать мозг с такими картинами.
Картины, которые не нравятся:
демонстрация грубой силы, огромные царственные персонажи с гипертрофированными частями тела и оружием
когда подавляющая часть изображения это сильная сексуальность и много обнажённого тела
демонстрация каких-то супергероев с супер-способностями, потому что не люблю то, что не существует в реальности.


Не нравится  >:(


Картина на стене дома:

Psychodiagnostics / Nea
« on: August 13, 2021, 03:27:42 PM »



German Edition of the book is now on sale as a paper back and online versions at Amazon.de https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0981J83T1

PERSÖNLICHKEITSTYP UND KUNST: Persönlichkeit durch das Prisma der Vorlieben in Kunst und Musik 

Kindle Edition

   Lange Zeit glaubte man, dass alle Menschen ihren eigenen Geschmack haben und Persönlichkeitsunterschiede keine Rolle spielen, wenn es um die persönliche Auswahl in Musik und Kunst geht. Die Entdeckung, die die Psychologin und Schriftstellerin Olga Tangemann nach jahrelangem Studium von 16 Persönlichkeitstypen gemacht hat, widerlegt diese weit verbreitete Ansicht. Die Begründerin des Verfahrens der assoziativen Psychodiagnostik behauptet, dass unsere unbewussten Vorlieben in unserer psychologischen Konstitution verwurzelt sind und in direktem Zusammenhang mit Unterschieden in den Persönlichkeitstypen stehen.
   Einige der Widersprüche in den Konzepten der berühmten Psychoanalytiker K. Jung und S. Freud wurden revidiert, in Einklang gebracht und bildeten die Grundlage für die Theorie der assoziativen Sozionik, in der jeder Persönlichkeitstyp einem der vier Typen der psychischen Energie zugeordnet wird: Ich, Es, Über-Ich, Über-Es. Ein neuer klientenzentrierter, ganzheitlicher Ansatz zum Verständnis des Persönlichkeitstyps wirft Licht auf die bisher unerklärte Natur unserer Vorlieben und verändert die Wahrnehmung von Musik und Kunst unwiderruflich.
   Eine lebendige, faszinierende Geschichte, kombiniert mit wissenschaftlicher Gründlichkeit und einer großen Sammlung an Illustrationen renommierter Künstler, machen dieses Buch zu einem echten Geschenk für Entdecker, um die innersten Tiefen unseres Selbst zu verstehen.

Psychodiagnostics / Mike
« on: March 15, 2021, 11:16:08 PM »

When I listen to a song I focus on all aspects of it, like the lyrics usually need to have something meaningful to me for me to spend my precious time listening to it, and it has to be professional in terms of the creator’s “musical ability”

If a song has well written lyrics but no musical quality I will very likely not want to listen to it
If I like the instrumental part (and singer) of the song, it is possible I may like the song even if the lyrics are not in tune with my values (even though less likely) or talk about something irrelevant to me

I don’t have a real appreciation for painting and more visual stuff, but I would probably enjoy something creative in the general sense of the word

Some of my favorite songs are those below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_hOR50u7ek - Prokofiev Dance of the Knights
I like it because it is a atonal song (meaning it doesn’t follow classical music theory and it doesn’t have a “tone”), so it sounds like nothing I’ve ever heard in other music.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjDojEOiMcE - Everything Lifehouse
I don’t know what I like about this song, but it really touches me in a way I can’t explain. Since the first time I heard this song I felt something unconscious and hardly unexplainable about it, it feels like coming to a good and safe place in the realm of unconsciousness.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2376smbzl8 - By The Time This Night is Over
I love this song very much, and I have no idea why. But I could listen to it forever. But I supposed it has something to do with the musician, his musical instrument and how he expresses romantic feelings through this music. Also the singer has a good fit with the emotions expressed in the song

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGrLb6W5YOM - All By Myself - Céline Dion
I don’t know why, but I like this song very much. I don’t listen to it very much, but I have heard it many times in many places and movies and it really touches me, and I could listen to it forever if I had to. If I were to guess, I would say that I like how this song is well planned to every bit of note, as for someone who had a strong inspiration to create this song

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX_m1E_Fz3M - Tu es bom - Jason Lee Jones
I like this song due to the combination of the lyrics and the instrumental. I like how it sounds as a whole. And the lyrics are very in tune with my values (it is a christian song and it reflects to me well how a real worship should be)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsZvjqG2lec - Wenn Worte Meine Sprache Wären (If words were were my language)
I like this song as a whole (the clip, the lyrics, the instrumentals, the musical theory behind it etc). It also speaks about how impossible it is for him to describe the experience of having met this woman, in a very idolized way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sv_876eqxg - Even when it hurts - Hillsong
This is a song that my first love used to listen to (I met her when I was about 19 years old) and I integrated to my list because I like it too, and I listen to it from time to time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC8qPpnD0uE - What comes around goes around - Justin Timberlake
This song makes me have feelings that I cannot describe really. I liked this song even before I learned english so I can totally say that it has nothing to do with the lyrics (and I don’t like the clip at all, but the song is another story and at a completely different level..)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb6-X2VTcTA - Looking Glass - Allan Holdsworth

Songs I don’t like  >:(
 It’s hard not to see value and beauty in a song, but I’ll try my best to get the ones that would never choose in a list of songs (an exception are songs that aren’t very good technically, like one with a “bad singer”, poor instrumental, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1Y36AY8coU - Raridade - Anderson Freire
I don’t like this song because it idolizes the human and puts him on a pedestal for reasons that are not clear to me (even though I agree that everyone is special and stuff), and I don’t like that people sing it as if it were a worship song, because it is clearly a song that was created to sell. And the song says that if you fail at something or if you fall into “sin” it is because the world made you do it, and it takes away the responsibility from the person.
I would like to say that I don’t like most of the songs from this singer (he is also a writer).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=450p7goxZqg - All of Me - John Legend
I have to say that this song is beautifully played in the piano, but I don’t like the song as a whole, and I’m not really sure why I dislike it (but I guess it has something to do with the fact the the lyrics focuses totally on superficial things about “love”, like in “love all your curves and all your edges”)

Есенин - IEI / Boris
« on: March 10, 2021, 10:32:28 AM »
Art preferences:


Бальзак - ILI / Kevin
« on: March 01, 2021, 02:29:28 PM »
Music   :)
Music Preference:
Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas,
Dorian Electra - Jackpot,
group_inou - HEART,
Britney Spears - Work Bitch,
Enigma - Sadeness,
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams,
The Postal Service - Such Great Heights,
 Slowdive - I Saw The Sun,
Rosemary Fairweather - MTV,
 Angel Vivaldi - Serotonin feat.
Nita Strauss, Daisuke Ishiwatari - Blue Water, Blue Sky (No Vocals)
NITA STRAUSS - Our Most Desperate Hour
 (Official Music Video)

Joji - Run
Filthy Frank's music
Rugrats Cartoon

Штирлиц - LSE / F. Veloute
« on: February 02, 2021, 05:57:33 PM »




I appreciate realism, but not usually photorealism (I like some of the artist's/movement's style to come through). I appreciate pieces that draw me inside of them with the space and atmosphere they create, often with many small details. In terms of art movements, I tend to enjoy stuff from the baroque, neoclassical, and romantic periods without much fuss.

Stagg at Sharkey's is more painterly than any of the above, but has that same skill in capturing a snapshot (you can really see the influence of the invention of the camera on this painting when compared to the others). I often find myself appreciating this piece as an abstract painting, the way the bold brushstrokes draw the eye around the canvas is just as enjoyable as the punchy subject matter.

Window with a Blind is a longtime favourite of mine. I find it very relaxing - I think it's the everyday subject matter combined with its gental gradients and sharp lines. Very architectural, a bit geographic, and mundanely sublime.

I also have a soft-spot for abstract and conceptual works, especially pieces that are large, playful, and bold. In many cases I think abstract pieces do more to change the space they're in than a realistic piece (bigger impact on the objects in a room, including the viewer).

In Russian

Я ценю реализм, но обычно не фотореализм (мне нравится проявление некоторого стиля художника / движения). Я ценю изделия, которые вовлекают меня внутрь себя с пространством и атмосферой, которые они создают, часто с множеством мелких деталей. Что касается художественных направлений, мне нравится без особой суеты наслаждаться вещами из периодов барокко, неоклассицизма и романтики.

Stagg at Sharkey's более живописен, чем любой из вышеперечисленных, но обладает такими же навыками в создании снимков (вы действительно можете увидеть влияние изобретения камеры на эту картину по сравнению с другими). Я часто замечаю, что ценю эту работу как абстрактную картину, и то, как смелые мазки привлекают взгляд вокруг холста, так же приятно, как и резкий предмет.

Окно со шторкой - мой давний фаворит. Я нахожу это очень расслабляющим - я думаю, что это повседневная тема в сочетании с ее естественными градиентами и резкими линиями. Очень архитектурный, немного географический и приземленный образ.

Я также люблю абстрактные и концептуальные работы, особенно большие, игривые и смелые. Во многих случаях я думаю, что абстрактные предметы больше влияют на пространство, в котором они находятся, чем реалистичные предметы (большее влияние на объекты в комнате, включая зрителя).

Есенин - IEI / Mary
« on: February 02, 2021, 10:40:11 AM »


I do like Van Goghs exaggeration of simple elements, like the sky. He gave it texture.
Neutral colors. Involve nature. Do not involve humans or buildings. Please just get the essence of the beauty of what nature is, small as a leaf or as large as a mountain. And do not be afraid of natural chaos. Do not create any where there is none though. Also not too realistic. Some kind of impression. Not exactly what you see.
White frame... I took those pictures. The flowers don't fit in the boxes but are still complete, is my favourite part.
Clock, my grandpa made it. He is clever with his work and I love tracking time visually like this. It is a little whimsical.
The black frame. I am not sure how much I like it but my parents made the effort to give it to me.



Salvador Dali and Rosseau are uncomfortable because of the darker parts of their images, things melting in Dali's, hidden animals in the forest in Rosseau's.

In Russian

Мне нравится, когда Ван Гог преувеличивает простые элементы, такие как небо. Он придал ей текстуру.
Нейтральные цвета. Привлекает природа. Не включать людей или здания. Пожалуйста, просто ощутите суть красоты того, что есть природа, маленькая, как лист, или большая, как гора. И не бойтесь природного хаоса. Но не создавайте ничего там, где его нет. Также не слишком реалистично. Какое-то впечатление. Не совсем то, что вы видите.
Белая рамка ... Я сделала эти снимки. Цветы не помещаются в коробки, но вполне заметны, это моя любимая часть.
Часы, это сделал мой дедушка. Он умен в своей работе, и я люблю вот так визуально отслеживать время. Это немного прихотливо.
Черная рамка. Я не уверена, насколько она мне нравится, но мои родители постарались подарить его мне.
Сальвадор Дали и Россо чувствую себя неуютно из-за более темных частей их изображений, вещей, тающих в Дали, скрытых животных в лесу в Россо.

Драйзер - ESI / Billy Ross
« on: December 02, 2020, 01:00:20 PM »
Billy Ross was typed by me as static ESI with the internal subtype LSI within Superego group and external subtype SEE by TPE profile yesterday.

This is his preference in music and paintings.
As you can see, his preferences in art are clear lines of drawings and the theme of ethics Fi. Bright colors do not dominate, the calmness of the Superego energy: rationality, static, introversion. He likes the colors of the Superego - purple and pink.
What he doesn't like about art belongs to the Superid energy.

Favourite music 🙂
LOCASH – Ring on Every Finger, Craig David – Walking Away,  Boyzone – Love Me for a Reason, Charlie Wilson ft. Fantasia – I Wanna Be Your man; Taio Cruz – Dynamite; Ne-Yo (Libra Scale) Telekinesis; Mark Morrison – Return Of The Mack.
Dislike 🙁  – 101 Dalmatians – Cruella;  De Vil Bon Jovi – It’s My Life;  Genesis – That’s Al; l Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit.



Бальзак - ILI / Dark Romance
« on: October 09, 2020, 04:36:53 PM »
Deicide - Dead by Dawn


Act 3: S2 - The Movement 1
Ayreon - Day Two: Isolation (The Human Equation) 2004
Death Note: The Musical - They're Only Human (ENGLISH)
Ayreon - Day Eleven: Love (The Human Equation) 2004
A2 S5 the Deceit
The Big Tent Show




We finish this diagnostics by nonverbal preferences in art and music with the only one test result available: dynamic ILI with a subtype LIE by TPE profile and subtype SLI within Superid group of types:

Есенин - IEI / Ben B.
« on: August 31, 2020, 12:48:17 PM »
 :) Art.




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