ТПЭ квадры - TPE quadras => Суперид- типы => Габен - SLI => Topic started by: Ольга on April 29, 2014, 10:01:38 AM

Title: Любимые фильмы - Favourite films
Post by: Ольга on April 29, 2014, 10:01:38 AM
акие фильмы и программы ТВ Вы предпочитаете смотреть, а какие нет?
What movies and TV programmes do you usually watch and which do you strongly dislike and why? Could be a scene from the film that has really stuck in your mind from childhood.

Dagmara Materka:
 "I think Clint Eastwood is SLI. My SLI brother often cites (

 I have no idea who Simon Baker is personally, but his character is not SLI.
 As for VI I tend to go with the face expressions, but it is also about the impression SLIs tend to make on people and their body language.
They seem to build physical distance, are usually very quiet and hard to approach for a typical person. It's as if they are wearing a sign "DO NOT DISTURB. DO NOT PISS ME OFF" on their foreheads
On the outside they look cool, but bored and they don't seem to care about what you think about them. Also, the sarcastic grin just like Rutger Hauer's here every now and then. Rutger Hauer on Blade Runner (
Google says he is typed as SLE, but I can't see that AT ALL visually. In my experience SLE are LOUD, manipulate voice a lot to show emotions like anger, surprise or else and... have I mentioned LOUD? Completely different face expressions to SLE as well.

Regarding movies...

SLI (my brother): Responded "Probably some drama" which is exactly how I imagined his answer and it sums his taste best.
He mentioned "Shutter island", "Inception", "Equilibrium", "Gran Torino" and "Butterfly Effect" among the ones he likes.

Other SLI: Said that maybe "Unleashed (2005)" is his favourite. He likes martial art movies, zombie movies and horrors." (
Title: Re: СЛИ - ISTp - Gabin
Post by: Ольга on June 10, 2014, 02:18:11 PM

[Goth] 2008 Movie Trailer - Kanata Hongo (