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News: Registration on the forum through the email only to olgatangemann@gmail.com The English edition of the book "Personality Type and Art" is available at Cambridge Scholars Publishing website. The German edition of the book "Personlichkeitstyp und Kunst" is available to buy on Amazon.de in paperback for 29.99 and online options for 9.99

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Messages - Ольга

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Psychodiagnostics / Re: Nea
« on: August 13, 2021, 03:35:07 PM »
Результаты тестов


Psychodiagnostics / Re: Nea
« on: August 13, 2021, 03:33:10 PM »
Music and films

Предпочтения в музыке
В музыке мне нравятся романтические темы, но не симпатичная любовь, обычно темные болезненные эмоции. Мне нравится, когда есть какой-то кульминационный момент или моменты, когда вы чувствуете напряжение. Мне нравится слышать чистые эмоции в их голосе, даже если он не идеален.

Me quedo contigo - Rosalía

Hay Amores- Shakira (кстати, я вообще Шакиру не люблю, кроме двух песен .. текстов и аранжировок)

La Despedida -Shakira

Love on the Brain- Rihanna

Предпочтения в фильмах
Мне нравятся многие типы фильмов, но в тех, которые я возвращаюсь, есть какая-то тьма, глубокие чувства, пусть даже и не красивые концовки.

Wuthering Heights,Грозовой перевал .. одна из моих любимых книг и фильмов. Мне нравится интенсивность эмоции не внешне, а внутренне. Он глубокий, и он не ослабевает, несмотря на их ошибки, он выдерживает испытание временем. Мои любимые сцены:

“I´m Heathcliff”  (когда она описывает связь с ним)

Heathcliff´s prayer- “Haunt me Then”

Before she dies- “I love my murderer, but yours, how can I?”  Перед тем, как она умрет: «Я люблю своего убийцу, но как я могу твоего?»

Jane Eyre.

“I could bend you with my finger .. but it is your soul that I want” -at 4:20 minute «Я мог бы согнуть тебя пальцем ... но мне нужна твоя душа»

Самые важные моменты и строчки

Искусство и музыка мне не нравятся

Не люблю сладкие рисунки, пастельные тона, отсутствие глубины и смысла.

Музыка для подростков. Я не очень разбираюсь в музыке, чтобы объяснять звуки, мне она просто не нравится и мне это скучно.

Katy Perry- the one that got away

Эта музыка довольно распространена на севере Мексики, все звучит одинаково ... странно громко, много непристойных слов, пытающихся быть романтичными ... мне кажется, очень неприятно.

Psychodiagnostics / Nea
« on: August 13, 2021, 03:27:42 PM »



German Edition of the book is now on sale as a paper back and online versions at Amazon.de https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0981J83T1

PERSÖNLICHKEITSTYP UND KUNST: Persönlichkeit durch das Prisma der Vorlieben in Kunst und Musik 

Kindle Edition

   Lange Zeit glaubte man, dass alle Menschen ihren eigenen Geschmack haben und Persönlichkeitsunterschiede keine Rolle spielen, wenn es um die persönliche Auswahl in Musik und Kunst geht. Die Entdeckung, die die Psychologin und Schriftstellerin Olga Tangemann nach jahrelangem Studium von 16 Persönlichkeitstypen gemacht hat, widerlegt diese weit verbreitete Ansicht. Die Begründerin des Verfahrens der assoziativen Psychodiagnostik behauptet, dass unsere unbewussten Vorlieben in unserer psychologischen Konstitution verwurzelt sind und in direktem Zusammenhang mit Unterschieden in den Persönlichkeitstypen stehen.
   Einige der Widersprüche in den Konzepten der berühmten Psychoanalytiker K. Jung und S. Freud wurden revidiert, in Einklang gebracht und bildeten die Grundlage für die Theorie der assoziativen Sozionik, in der jeder Persönlichkeitstyp einem der vier Typen der psychischen Energie zugeordnet wird: Ich, Es, Über-Ich, Über-Es. Ein neuer klientenzentrierter, ganzheitlicher Ansatz zum Verständnis des Persönlichkeitstyps wirft Licht auf die bisher unerklärte Natur unserer Vorlieben und verändert die Wahrnehmung von Musik und Kunst unwiderruflich.
   Eine lebendige, faszinierende Geschichte, kombiniert mit wissenschaftlicher Gründlichkeit und einer großen Sammlung an Illustrationen renommierter Künstler, machen dieses Buch zu einem echten Geschenk für Entdecker, um die innersten Tiefen unseres Selbst zu verstehen.

Есенин - IEI / Re: Boris
« on: June 02, 2021, 01:25:27 PM »
Boris sees his type as IEI. The diagnostics based on the information given confirms this type. Introverted and ethical subtype for IEI means that the closest types (subtypes) are SEI and EII.
SUPERID energy is very strong and this is why it is unlikely for you to be any other type. Ethics is also very strong. SEI is the only other option which we could check in a future. Otherwise all information you have given confirms your type as IEI.

Psychodiagnostics / Re: Mike
« on: March 17, 2021, 02:11:56 PM »
Test results:


Psychodiagnostics / Re: Mike
« on: March 15, 2021, 11:28:55 PM »
Movies Scenes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIupnRacZjg - Goodbye my love (Dumb and Dumber scene)
I like this scene because Loyd acts in a way that makes it seem that he had had an amazing experience with this woman, but in fact they had just met and he drove her to the airport, and they did a very small talk. So it’s kinda funny to see him behave in such a way.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAaLhzRSzac - Snow Fight (Dumb and Dumber)
I find this scene hilarious. And the whole movie as a whole

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwTXojMq4KE - Clueless all by myself scene
I like the scene as a whole, and I also like how the actress acts very “girly” in the movie. I don’t know why but this is a very attractive trait to me.

Psychodiagnostics / Re: Mike
« on: March 15, 2021, 11:27:23 PM »
Pictures and Art that I like
I don’t have favorite pictures and I’m not a real fan of painting, but I admire those who do it
and I like when people put portraits and paintings in their home but I have never cared enough to do it myself, but If I were to decorate my room, I would probably think of putting some abstract paintings or very high quality ones (from a renowned painter for example)


Pictures and Art that I don’t like
These two pictures below seem like a waste of ink and time and seem totally ordinary (I just look at it and it seems like a boring random painting)


Psychodiagnostics / Mike
« on: March 15, 2021, 11:16:08 PM »

When I listen to a song I focus on all aspects of it, like the lyrics usually need to have something meaningful to me for me to spend my precious time listening to it, and it has to be professional in terms of the creator’s “musical ability”

If a song has well written lyrics but no musical quality I will very likely not want to listen to it
If I like the instrumental part (and singer) of the song, it is possible I may like the song even if the lyrics are not in tune with my values (even though less likely) or talk about something irrelevant to me

I don’t have a real appreciation for painting and more visual stuff, but I would probably enjoy something creative in the general sense of the word

Some of my favorite songs are those below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_hOR50u7ek - Prokofiev Dance of the Knights
I like it because it is a atonal song (meaning it doesn’t follow classical music theory and it doesn’t have a “tone”), so it sounds like nothing I’ve ever heard in other music.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjDojEOiMcE - Everything Lifehouse
I don’t know what I like about this song, but it really touches me in a way I can’t explain. Since the first time I heard this song I felt something unconscious and hardly unexplainable about it, it feels like coming to a good and safe place in the realm of unconsciousness.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2376smbzl8 - By The Time This Night is Over
I love this song very much, and I have no idea why. But I could listen to it forever. But I supposed it has something to do with the musician, his musical instrument and how he expresses romantic feelings through this music. Also the singer has a good fit with the emotions expressed in the song

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGrLb6W5YOM - All By Myself - Céline Dion
I don’t know why, but I like this song very much. I don’t listen to it very much, but I have heard it many times in many places and movies and it really touches me, and I could listen to it forever if I had to. If I were to guess, I would say that I like how this song is well planned to every bit of note, as for someone who had a strong inspiration to create this song

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX_m1E_Fz3M - Tu es bom - Jason Lee Jones
I like this song due to the combination of the lyrics and the instrumental. I like how it sounds as a whole. And the lyrics are very in tune with my values (it is a christian song and it reflects to me well how a real worship should be)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsZvjqG2lec - Wenn Worte Meine Sprache Wären (If words were were my language)
I like this song as a whole (the clip, the lyrics, the instrumentals, the musical theory behind it etc). It also speaks about how impossible it is for him to describe the experience of having met this woman, in a very idolized way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Sv_876eqxg - Even when it hurts - Hillsong
This is a song that my first love used to listen to (I met her when I was about 19 years old) and I integrated to my list because I like it too, and I listen to it from time to time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC8qPpnD0uE - What comes around goes around - Justin Timberlake
This song makes me have feelings that I cannot describe really. I liked this song even before I learned english so I can totally say that it has nothing to do with the lyrics (and I don’t like the clip at all, but the song is another story and at a completely different level..)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb6-X2VTcTA - Looking Glass - Allan Holdsworth

Songs I don’t like  >:(
 It’s hard not to see value and beauty in a song, but I’ll try my best to get the ones that would never choose in a list of songs (an exception are songs that aren’t very good technically, like one with a “bad singer”, poor instrumental, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1Y36AY8coU - Raridade - Anderson Freire
I don’t like this song because it idolizes the human and puts him on a pedestal for reasons that are not clear to me (even though I agree that everyone is special and stuff), and I don’t like that people sing it as if it were a worship song, because it is clearly a song that was created to sell. And the song says that if you fail at something or if you fall into “sin” it is because the world made you do it, and it takes away the responsibility from the person.
I would like to say that I don’t like most of the songs from this singer (he is also a writer).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=450p7goxZqg - All of Me - John Legend
I have to say that this song is beautifully played in the piano, but I don’t like the song as a whole, and I’m not really sure why I dislike it (but I guess it has something to do with the fact the the lyrics focuses totally on superficial things about “love”, like in “love all your curves and all your edges”)

Есенин - IEI / Re: Boris
« on: March 10, 2021, 10:53:46 AM »

 :)  Joji - Like You Do
Taylor Swift - gold rush (Official Lyric Video)
M.I.A. - Paper Planes
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex (slowed)
Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown (Official Audio) | Animal Kingdom

Taylor Swift - champagne problems (Official Lyric Video)
Dayglow - Fuzzybrain (Official Audio)
as the world caves in - matt maltese // lyrics
Dayglow - Junior Varsity (Official Audio)

Tyler, The Creator - Who Dat Boy
100 gecs - money machine (Official Music Video)

Есенин - IEI / Re: Boris
« on: March 10, 2021, 10:33:54 AM »
Test results:


Есенин - IEI / Boris
« on: March 10, 2021, 10:32:28 AM »
Art preferences:


Бальзак - ILI / Re: Kevin
« on: March 10, 2021, 10:28:56 AM »
After the interview Kevin came to the conclusion that he is ILI with the subtype LIE. He did not want to proceed with the further analysis of his preferences.
His profile will be placed in the archive of ILI.

Бальзак - ILI / Re: Kevin
« on: March 05, 2021, 02:29:38 PM »
Daniel Zrom from this website is my favorite artist, Albrecht Durer is also good



Бальзак - ILI / Re: Kevin
« on: March 01, 2021, 05:26:44 PM »


Kevin said that he tried to look like LIE in the test results but he also scored before as ILI. He decided about his type strongly as ILI. Therefore these test results should not be trusted.

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