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News: Registration on the forum through the email only to olgatangemann@gmail.com The English edition of the book "Personality Type and Art" is available at Cambridge Scholars Publishing website. The German edition of the book "Personlichkeitstyp und Kunst" is available to buy on Amazon.de in paperback for 29.99 and online options for 9.99

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Topics - Human

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Есенин - IEI / Determine my type
« on: February 11, 2018, 08:59:03 PM »
Please, introduce yourself and tell us about:
– your favorite subjects in school, interests, hobbies?

At school I used to be really good at creative writing, literature, music, english and the history of art. I was also naturally good at sciences such as psychology, sociology and politics. I‘m a singer in a band, I love to write lyrics, poetry and studied creative writing as my major so I enjoy writing fiction as well. I also try to learn to play the guitar.

where do you study or work or may be where you would you like to study or work?

I‘m a journalist, I‘m more or less happy with my job, but my true passions are art and music.

– what your close people appreciate in you including your friends and colleagues?

I‘ve been told that I have unique and interesting ideas, that I can be smart and knowledgeable. I’m also very nice, polite, never say anything mean or cruel to people and my friends can always count on me. I’m open-minded, accepting and honest.

-what do they criticize you for sometimes?

I can be irresponsible, lazy and whimsical. I don’t like it when things don’t go my way and sometimes I can be overbearing. Sometimes I’m overly critical and negative. I can be selfish and egocentric as well.

– what do you think your personality type is or may be?

– what results do you usually get on tests including the results of the associative tests?

I usually score EII or IEI, sometimes IEE. The associative test doesn’t work for me for some reason, the nonverbal test gave me a not defined result twice. The subtype analyser gave me IEI – IEE subtype.

Music that I like:
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Music that I dislike:
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Art that I like:


Art that I dislike:



What is your opinion and doubts about your type now and how did it change in time? Your opinion is important to us.

 I personally relate to both Ni and Ne, even though I think my Ni is slightly stronger than Ne. That would place me into the Gamma or Beta quadra, but… I do not really relate to Se-valuing types. My other issue is Fe… I tend to hide and have trouble with expressing my emotions a lot, I’m also not good at influencing moods of other people around. I personally think that my strongest functions are  Ni+Ne+Fi+Fe than there go Ti+Te quite equally, I can’t decide which one is more developed, or valued. I’m definitely better at Si than Se, even tough both my sensory functions are VERY weak.

Please, let us know the general information about your TV and film preferences, what you like and dislike to watch on TV, cinema. If you have favorite films you can mention them and post 3-5 scenes from the most memorable moments or just a trailer. Do not forget to mention your dislikes about some programmes and films. Your comments are to your preferences are very welcome!

I generally do not watch TV, because I find programmes there to be...oh well… intellectually insulting. BUT there are some TV shows that I like to watch. Generally I prefer darker themed shows, I like horror, thriller, mystery, drama and fantasy. My favourite TV shows are Hannibal, Vikings, American Horror Story and when it comes to comedy I enjoy Black Books.

This is a scene from Hannibal. It was the darkest, most symbolic and the most poetic thing I’ve ever  seen on a TV. Many critics called it “The best show that nobody understands”. The symbolism within was so frequent and connected with the whole plot, that it really could be difficult to understand, even more difficult to separate the symbolism and the dream from the reality of the show. I absolutely love it, it’s very artistic.

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This is from American Horror Story
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This is a great mix from Vikings:

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This is exactly my sense of humor:

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When it comes to films, I enjoy all the old stuff from Johnny Depp and Tim Burton.

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I really liked this movies, I couldn’t find the best scene from it though, this is about ok…

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This one is great too:

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