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Author Topic: Jennifer  (Read 7403 times)

Offline etherealjen1992

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« on: April 13, 2014, 05:04:29 PM »
Hello, I'm new to the facebook group and would like clarification on my type. I have taken the test several times and score either IEI, EII and SEI. I've been typed by another group as appearing SEI in my video, yet I don't think I'm quite a sensor enough to be a dominant Si. Example? I am unobservant and my handiwork/craftwork is shoddy. I honour traditions based around family and courtship but I don't think I'm ruled by them so to speak. What is annoying me at this moment in time is I don't seem to know myself; or rather, I'm second guessing what I believe and what others see. Me being indecisive isn't a new thing. However I am recovering from a bout of depression/anxiety so this may be why I am on shaky ground when it comes to trusting and knowing myself...

How I have described myself in the past is being shy, silly, imaginative, kind, curious. My friends and family comment that I am pleasant yet cheeky, have a calming effect on others, am good with comforting people emotionally and psychologically, and am a true individual (whatever that means!)

My hobbies include; reading, writing (short stories, poetry), dancing, travelling.

Here are some of the blog posts/poems I have written:

My idols include the likes of Audrey Hepburn, Anna Karina, Marilyn Monroe, Allison Harvard, Florence Welch, Kate Bush. I like them because they have distinct feminine personalities, are creative and slightly overworldly. They inspire me.

My favourite genre of fiction is dark romance. Best book I've read lately is The Dark Heroine by Abigail Gibbs. It's about a vampire/human relationship but filled with lots of edgy excitement and politics.

Favourite film I've seen lately is Need for Speed. High action car races and hot guys, yay, lol!

Here are some pictures I have archived that inspire me:

My favourite tv shows: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, 2 Broke Girls, New Girl, The Tudors.

A few pictures of me (my laptop is slow uploading a video, sorry! But if needed, I'll get one on...)

I do feel at home being close to nature and can be lazy. I think what I desire most in life is adventure and passion.

Offline etherealjen1992

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 05:08:45 PM »
Woops sorry, pictures didn't add to earlier post  ???

Offline Ольга

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 06:31:09 PM »
Hi Jennifer!
thank you for information about yourself and photos. I would think that SEI type could be the right one for you. It would be nice to see your video, yes! And please, add your music favourite and annoying.  :) Please, add pictures of the type of clothes (design) which you would be happy to wear. Show us what you think is beautiful in your eyes- it can be not only pictures but some crafts, architecture, places.
You can also tell us what you think about your type - which one of three mentioned above suit you more and why?
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 06:37:53 PM by Ольга »
Журнал "Соционика": https://www.facebook.com/groups/543577009011267/

Offline etherealjen1992

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2014, 10:27:34 AM »
Ok...favourite music is Kate Bush, Lana Del Ray, Marina and the Diamonds, Florence and the Machine, The Pierces, Shakira, Supertramp, ELO, Abba, Rihanna, Nikki Minaj...music I don't like is boybands like One Direction, country music, very slow ballads for example Skinny Love by Birdy.

Pictures of my fashion sense;

My fashion sense, I try to keep things quite feminine yet sassy. Romantic but with an edge.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 02:47:44 PM by etherealjen1992 »

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 12:04:57 PM »
Hi Jennifer,

Pictures of my fashion sense and   Anna Karina  - the link do not work :(
And this one http://etherealkink.tumblr.com/post/82880485667/scrap-book-all-things-jennifer-mae
Hardly anything works and video as well.
Jennifer, please, give me a list of music - 8-10 which you like the most and 3-4 which you don't like at all. I saw the pictures you like but I did not see the pictures you dislike strongly. If I did miss it somehow - I am sorry, just give me the link again then. I am sorry that you made an effort and post it so many link and unfortunately they don't work. )
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 12:15:34 PM by Ольга »
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Offline etherealjen1992

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2014, 02:59:57 PM »
Here are a few objects/accesories/things that I like and am drawn to;

my room is decorated in a lot of these type of figurines. I have collected fairies since I was a little girl. This is the first one I owned, which is what my aunt bought me when I went down to visit her back when I was about 7 or 8.

I have also collected masquerade masks from a young age. My aunt (same one who bought me the fairy ornament) bought me back one from her holiday and I've been amazed by them since.

I am always fascinated by playing cards and tea-cups with saucers; probably inspired by Alice in Wonderland.

My favourite places to visit are historical buildings such as castles and old taverns, sort of like Pirates of the Carribean-esque. I visited Hollyrood Palace up Edinburgh the other week and thoroughly loved it!

Old taven -

I have a passion and keen interest in history, although details such as specific dates and names of those involved elude me. I tend to have an overall picture of what went on i.e. society values, fashion/look of the period, brief overview of royal/authority goings ons.

Another place, or rather room, I love to spend time in is a library - the library from Beauty and the Beast is my heaven! I love fiction - fantasies, romance, adventure. Myths, legends and history really grab me. I love the supernatural and the historical. I find them ever so exciting.

This is a picture of the inside of a local book store which is a converted railway station; it is truly perfect!

Things I don't like

I hate gore! I'm a blood phobic. However I can stomach horror films if they're more suspenseful and less visually gory. I hate violence due to the blood it produces, but I'm not sure I would say I am morally against it?  I get that some people see violence as a solution or act in the passion of the moment. Sometimes when I find out about fights that have gone on, I am awed. But yeah, I hate gore! Bit contradictory.

I am afraid of birds. I do respect animals, but I can be very wary of them unless I can see that they're calm and not likely to bite/scratch me or act erratic. Because of this, I hate farms! I remember one time being in a field of cows with my friend and she walked past them fine, but one came closer to me and made a sound so I legged it to the other end of the field in terror!

Numbers....I can't do maths well. I am discalculic meaning basically that I have little number logic. It's like number dyslexia. Also I find administration/paperwork hard going and very boring.
this is my hell!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 03:09:20 PM by etherealjen1992 »

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2014, 03:12:26 PM »
When initially getting into Socionics, I scored IEI on the different tests I have undertaken. I initially relate more to having Fe in my ego rather than Fi, however I wonder if I am EII because I think a Gulenko's Pseudo Caregiver fits me better than a IEI Victim, and also I do value comfort and other people sticking to their schedules, even though myself, I can be flaky with time management. I guess I do have strong opinions and passions but rarely assert them boldly; I am more subtle in my presentation and would rather express ideas one on one. I am definitely more passive in relationships, and quite obviously submissive. I sometimes see myself as weak and inferior, and other times I believe there is strength in being able to bend like a blade of grass.

I do believe I have a vivid imagination and simultaneously see the past, present and a little of the future (but not way off into the future, like I can visualise where I want to be but in no way would I say I make long-term predictions, mine tend to be more short term based). My close friend often calls me out for "spacing out" during group gatherings, and always asks what is going on inside of my head. Sometimes I reflect on how relationships work, why and what people are, and other times I'm in a pure fantasy world and simply amusing myself. I find reality can be mundane unless I indulge in a sense of romanticism; I wear rose tinted glasses all the time unless I'm in a sour mood, and then I'm quite outspoken at how gross and inferior everything is.

I relate a little to SEI too. I seem to visually type as one; being rounded and having similar pleasant soft mannerisms. I do value comfort and beauty, however my attention to detail is poor and I am ever so clumsy physically. I have read that IEI's value aesthetic beauty too and EII's are Si seeking, so maybe I confuse myself? Si wise...I do love luxury. I'm not sure how strongly though or the nature of that love. I do like to emphasise peace and being a peacemaker, yet my parents often tell me that I am one of those people who seem to enjoy excitement and come alive at "drama"; not that I create it or participate in it, but that when I'm in an environment of boldness and passion, I seem to revel in it and promote it. I do admire Beta quadra as something I'd like to be a part of. Beta guys aka my preferred gender, I find them so attractive and not at all off-putting - though some of my friends think I'm mad for liking some of the guys I have liked, they have thought I am too good/too meek to handle their energy. Alpha I resonate with because I believe a good time is paramount. Delta less so - I mean, I respect the values, but I can't see me fitting quite in.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 03:36:43 PM by etherealjen1992 »

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2014, 02:30:49 PM »
Jennifer, I liked everything you wrote and in many ways I can relate to what you say. I have got not doubt whatsoever that you are SEI type. since a certain time I avoid writing much on the forum as en argument for my decision abut the type. It is very time-consuming. I offer sometimes 30 min chat through Skype. I know that it is important for the clients at the end of the typing to have a small chat to clear up some questions. So let me know if you wish to have a chat.

Your pictures about fashion and things you like fit very well to SEI type as well even though some of them could be shared by IEI too. There is no clear cut  restrictions, belong only to SEI and does not belong to IEI type. The boundaries are fuzzy.

What I would like you to do is to think about the people (men and women, may be actors?), which attract you and which could be considered as your idols. May be just a few examples with your comments, what you in particular appreciate in this person. And  a couple of the examples of people which annoy you for some reason and you cannot always can say why.
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Offline etherealjen1992

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2014, 06:44:45 PM »
Idols, I remember admiring Mary Kate and Ashley Oslen as a young teenager. I found them so pretty and world wise, and very down to earth relatable. I wished I had a twin sister! I even made up an imaginary one for a while before I realised it was silly.

My parents compare me to Audrey Hepburn. I never knew who she was when they first made the comparison but I found out about her film career, style and humanitarian work, and I fell in deep admiration for her. She's the definition of carefree grace and a warm quirky heart.

Johnny Depp is my favourite actor. Not because I find him purely hot, but because I relate to his quiet but creative nature. He's very endearing and I admire his craft. He's a legend :)

Ok, there's no one I really hate hate. But I do find Justin Bieber quite nauseating right now. He used to be sweet and likeable in  a cheesy way but now he's belligerent and a jerk to his fans. Miley Cyrus is another person I used to find tolerable but now makes me frown with her crazy brash antiques. I think both these celebs need help.

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Re: Jennifer
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2014, 03:03:25 PM »
 Cannot open the picture of Mary Kate, so I found her on google:

The girls look the same. Just by the look I would think in line of SLI type. That would be my first version of type for checking up.
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