Here are a few objects/accesories/things that I like and am drawn to;

my room is decorated in a lot of these type of figurines. I have collected fairies since I was a little girl. This is the first one I owned, which is what my aunt bought me when I went down to visit her back when I was about 7 or 8.
I have also collected masquerade masks from a young age. My aunt (same one who bought me the fairy ornament) bought me back one from her holiday and I've been amazed by them since.

I am always fascinated by playing cards and tea-cups with saucers; probably inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
My favourite places to visit are historical buildings such as castles and old taverns, sort of like Pirates of the Carribean-esque. I visited Hollyrood Palace up Edinburgh the other week and thoroughly loved it!

Old taven -

I have a passion and keen interest in history, although details such as specific dates and names of those involved elude me. I tend to have an overall picture of what went on i.e. society values, fashion/look of the period, brief overview of royal/authority goings ons.
Another place, or rather room, I love to spend time in is a library - the library from Beauty and the Beast is my heaven! I love fiction - fantasies, romance, adventure. Myths, legends and history really grab me. I love the supernatural and the historical. I find them ever so exciting.
This is a picture of the inside of a local book store which is a converted railway station; it is truly perfect!
Things I don't likeI hate gore! I'm a blood phobic. However I can stomach horror films if they're more suspenseful and less visually gory. I hate violence due to the blood it produces, but I'm not sure I would say I am morally against it? I get that some people see violence as a solution or act in the passion of the moment. Sometimes when I find out about fights that have gone on, I am awed. But yeah, I hate gore! Bit contradictory.

I am afraid of birds. I do respect animals, but I can be very wary of them unless I can see that they're calm and not likely to bite/scratch me or act erratic. Because of this, I hate farms! I remember one time being in a field of cows with my friend and she walked past them fine, but one came closer to me and made a sound so I legged it to the other end of the field in terror!

Numbers....I can't do maths well. I am discalculic meaning basically that I have little number logic. It's like number dyslexia. Also I find administration/paperwork hard going and very boring.

this is my hell!