Next we talking with the person and asking her opinion about the type, TPE profile and vulnerable function. I try usually to keep it short if I do not have a recorded questionnaire. Nelly - the nick name of the lady has replied following:
"I identify myself in that order: ego - superid - superego - id.
Ego: I identify with the ego type because it has the strength to change things, and it is how I position myself in almost everything that I believe has not achieved perfection, but has this capacity. But I prefer to do it alone, I don't like to lead people, even if I can do it if necessary. But something has to be done, even if people think it is bad.
Superid: I like the ability to adapt, the reflection necessary to know when to act, the imagination
Superego: I like and identify with perfectionism, but it seems conservative and does not question the current order, which seems bad.
ID: I like the idea of freedom and enjoy the world (I love to travel), but not irresponsibly.
About the vulnerable function: since I was little I had problems with what people think of me when I do things. For example: being in ugly pajamas when they asked me to sleep outside, if I ate inelegantly, or if I had a strange smell. I always feel that everyone is watching and judging me, so I try to dress in a way that doesn't attract attention. So I think my vulnerable function is Si."