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Author Topic: Determine my type  (Read 6506 times)

Offline Human

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Determine my type
« on: February 11, 2018, 08:59:03 PM »
Please, introduce yourself and tell us about:
– your favorite subjects in school, interests, hobbies?

At school I used to be really good at creative writing, literature, music, english and the history of art. I was also naturally good at sciences such as psychology, sociology and politics. I‘m a singer in a band, I love to write lyrics, poetry and studied creative writing as my major so I enjoy writing fiction as well. I also try to learn to play the guitar.

where do you study or work or may be where you would you like to study or work?

I‘m a journalist, I‘m more or less happy with my job, but my true passions are art and music.

– what your close people appreciate in you including your friends and colleagues?

I‘ve been told that I have unique and interesting ideas, that I can be smart and knowledgeable. I’m also very nice, polite, never say anything mean or cruel to people and my friends can always count on me. I’m open-minded, accepting and honest.

-what do they criticize you for sometimes?

I can be irresponsible, lazy and whimsical. I don’t like it when things don’t go my way and sometimes I can be overbearing. Sometimes I’m overly critical and negative. I can be selfish and egocentric as well.

– what do you think your personality type is or may be?

– what results do you usually get on tests including the results of the associative tests?

I usually score EII or IEI, sometimes IEE. The associative test doesn’t work for me for some reason, the nonverbal test gave me a not defined result twice. The subtype analyser gave me IEI – IEE subtype.

Music that I like:
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Music that I dislike:
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Art that I like:


Art that I dislike:



What is your opinion and doubts about your type now and how did it change in time? Your opinion is important to us.

 I personally relate to both Ni and Ne, even though I think my Ni is slightly stronger than Ne. That would place me into the Gamma or Beta quadra, but… I do not really relate to Se-valuing types. My other issue is Fe… I tend to hide and have trouble with expressing my emotions a lot, I’m also not good at influencing moods of other people around. I personally think that my strongest functions are  Ni+Ne+Fi+Fe than there go Ti+Te quite equally, I can’t decide which one is more developed, or valued. I’m definitely better at Si than Se, even tough both my sensory functions are VERY weak.

Please, let us know the general information about your TV and film preferences, what you like and dislike to watch on TV, cinema. If you have favorite films you can mention them and post 3-5 scenes from the most memorable moments or just a trailer. Do not forget to mention your dislikes about some programmes and films. Your comments are to your preferences are very welcome!

I generally do not watch TV, because I find programmes there to be...oh well… intellectually insulting. BUT there are some TV shows that I like to watch. Generally I prefer darker themed shows, I like horror, thriller, mystery, drama and fantasy. My favourite TV shows are Hannibal, Vikings, American Horror Story and when it comes to comedy I enjoy Black Books.

This is a scene from Hannibal. It was the darkest, most symbolic and the most poetic thing I’ve ever  seen on a TV. Many critics called it “The best show that nobody understands”. The symbolism within was so frequent and connected with the whole plot, that it really could be difficult to understand, even more difficult to separate the symbolism and the dream from the reality of the show. I absolutely love it, it’s very artistic.

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This is from American Horror Story
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This is a great mix from Vikings:

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This is exactly my sense of humor:

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When it comes to films, I enjoy all the old stuff from Johnny Depp and Tim Burton.

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I really liked this movies, I couldn’t find the best scene from it though, this is about ok…

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This one is great too:

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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 02:19:45 AM »
Hi, Human.
Thank you very much for choosing associative psycho-diagnostics for type identification and providing detailed comments and information about yourself. Please, let us know what are your results on associative tests and type- subtype analyzer. So far all looks great - all your answers consistent and smart. :)
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Offline cheburashka

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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 04:05:27 PM »
SuperId is dominating TPE
I suggest dinamic profile: Superid – Ego (taking into account the music, where a lot of Ego-TPE composotions)

This means IEI / subtype EIE
Funtional subtype  - SEI
But I doubt about ethics.
So, would be nice to check ILI version too.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 01:52:32 PM by cheburashka »

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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2018, 12:23:15 AM »
Thank you, Human and thank you, Cheburashka.
If we suggest that intuition is much stronger than ethics then you will be intuitive IEI. Intuition is irrational function, so you will get irrational type of psychodynamics and subtype IEE. This will give you Id energy as a subtype energy. This subtype suits to IEI who is sort of balanced on extraversion- introversion. This result is consistent with your story of intuitive imagination.
On the other hand your art&music preferences also suggest quite strong dynamics. This is why Cheburashka suggested for you EIE subtype,d Ego-energy as a subtype TPE and dynamic type of psychodynamics. In this case again your introversion would be sort of balanced with extraversion but in this case we would not say that intuition is much stronger than ethics We would say they are sort of balanced. In case of type IEI this would mean that your Ni and Fe are both very strong and you can be very good at both. So your type will be ethical IEI.
The least energy present would be Superego energy and subtype EII. This better suit for very introverted IEI and it will be again ethical IEI.
Please, have a look at the description of types of psychodynamics and pick up one which in your opinion suites you the best.  Or if you cannot choose one mention 2. For IEI type you read only: irrational, dynamic, introverted.
If you can express your concerns about this type, please, do so. It is interesting for us to understand what bothers you to accept this type at this moment. If you are ready to accept, then great. If you need more information, more guidance -  I can do it but I need to know the area of your concern.
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Offline Human

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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2018, 09:45:56 AM »
Thank you, Human and thank you, Cheburashka.
If we suggest that intuition is much stronger than ethics then you will be intuitive IEI. Intuition is irrational function, so you will get irrational type of psychodynamics and subtype IEE. This will give you Id energy as a subtype energy. This subtype suits to IEI who is sort of balanced on extraversion- introversion. This result is consistent with your story of intuitive imagination.
On the other hand your art&music preferences also suggest quite strong dynamics. This is why Cheburashka suggested for you EIE subtype,d Ego-energy as a subtype TPE and dynamic type of psychodynamics. In this case again your introversion would be sort of balanced with extraversion but in this case we would not say that intuition is much stronger than ethics We would say they are sort of balanced. In case of type IEI this would mean that your Ni and Fe are both very strong and you can be very good at both. So your type will be ethical IEI.
The least energy present would be Superego energy and subtype EII. This better suit for very introverted IEI and it will be again ethical IEI.
Please, have a look at the description of types of psychodynamics and pick up one which in your opinion suites you the best.  Or if you cannot choose one mention 2. For IEI type you read only: irrational, dynamic, introverted.
If you can express your concerns about this type, please, do so. It is interesting for us to understand what bothers you to accept this type at this moment. If you are ready to accept, then great. If you need more information, more guidance -  I can do it but I need to know the area of your concern.

Thanks for the typing! I usually get IEI, but there are certain things that don't feel all that right.

1. I'm not all that interested in seeing how events might develop or change over time. I can see it, I'm good at dealing with the future events, but I'm more interested in the overall meaning and emotion that something holds for me than seeing how it will end.

2. I don't think I'm too good at Fe. Emotionally I tend to hold back unless I'm really close to someone. I generally have trouble expressing my emotions clearly, I often hide behind a mask of ignorance when it comes to feelings, because I don't trust other people not take advantage of my vulnerable feelings. I'm not good at being caring, helpful, or romantic at all. Traditional opinions about romance are not very close me. I'm also highly individualistic, which means I prefer doing things on my own, based on my own rules instead of adapting to a group. I don't like team activities and I don't think that everyone should be involved in an activity, I think everyone should do whatever seems right to them and whatever they want to do. I hate it, when somebody tries to involve me in something just because everyone is doing it. I don't like to change or influence people's mood and I don't even think that I'm good at it.

3. Even though I can't follow rules and strict obligations, I do value professional opinions on issues. I'm the one to often use "scientists think.." as a holy grale of truth.


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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2018, 10:52:51 AM »
Hi, Human. Thank you for sharing concerns about your type as IEI. They fit IEI type and I will show you how and why. I believe that your concerns have appeared because in some socionics concepts they were either not mentioned at all in the profile or presented as not suitable for IEI or to the group where IEI belongs.

IEI being impulsive may get a hunch but not to follow it and later will say it "I knew it". This is irrational behavior but typical for IEI and for the people in general as they like to follow their instincts.  Irrational types are flexible. This means if something happens they are sure that they will manage to adapt and escape at the right moment. But this is not what you ask me. You are saying that you only pay attention to what is important to you personaly, what is meaningful to you.
Superid types are individualistic and you have to be like this if you wish to preserve yourself and protect yourself from influences of other people. If you would care for somebody else more - you would miss on protecting yourself. This is Ni +Si. On the other hand being ethical type you very quickly may get involved on the emotional level and you will be interested in emotional topics rather than abstract logical which does not relate directly to you.
Being good at both Ni and Fe ou can be only either EIE or IEI. So, you are IEI due to your introversion and etc.

Thanks for the typing! I usually get IEI, but there are certain things that don't feel all that right.

1. I'm not all that interested in seeing how events might develop or change over time. I can see it, I'm good at dealing with the future events, but I'm more interested in the overall meaning and emotion that something holds for me than seeing how it will end.
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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2018, 11:18:32 AM »
I have partly answered your second concern in the post above.
You do not suppose to be as good as Fe as Fe - programmes type. Introverts are better at reading the emotions of others, registering emotional atmosphere. All introverts save energy, aware of limited energy resources and the most energy savers are Superid -types. if the would think more about others - they would work and harder for others but their focus in on themselves.
Your Fe is creative, the second function. It is not as powerful as programme function but it is a good instrument to use to get where you want and what you want to get. EIE does it with a huge energy flow and influence of IEI is subtle but effective. People around you will not notice how they get influenced by IEI and they only realize later that even though they did not want to do your way they actually did it exactly like you wanted. It is very subtle manipulation exactly because IEI knows how things may unfold if she says or does certain things in a certain way. 
While EIE are very obvious and demanding in their power of emotions, IEI goes carefully and either give a bit more or a bit less of their influence depending on the situation and their perception. This is what creative function does. Like using a tab and not being a waterfall.
IEIs are very sensitive about themselves, their self-worth, self-esteem, unsure of themselves, susceptive and all those qualities which, makes them vulnerable. Not being able to stand for themselves either physically or emotionally they soak and fell pity for themselves for a long time but the same is with EIE even though they are extraverts and more powerful by nature. This is Fe in action.

All that you wrote about not being romantic and etc means just that you arent a rational type and all that belongs to Fi is simply not yours.
Important is not to mix IEI with some of the qualities of EIE and EII.

2. I don't think I'm too good at Fe. Emotionally I tend to hold back unless I'm really close to someone. I generally have trouble expressing my emotions clearly, I often hide behind a mask of ignorance when it comes to feelings, because I don't trust other people not take advantage of my vulnerable feelings. I'm not good at being caring, helpful, or romantic at all. Traditional opinions about romance are not very close me. I'm also highly individualistic, which means I prefer doing things on my own, based on my own rules instead of adapting to a group. I don't like team activities and I don't think that everyone should be involved in an activity, I think everyone should do whatever seems right to them and whatever they want to do. I hate it, when somebody tries to involve me in something just because everyone is doing it. I don't like to change or influence people's mood and I don't even think that I'm good at it.
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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2018, 11:34:01 AM »
3. Even though I can't follow rules and strict obligations, I do value professional opinions on issues. I'm the one to often use "scientists think.." as a holy grale of truth.

IEI has vulnerable Te or shall we say logics. This means sensitivity and critical outlook. ILI is very close type to IEI and he is a Critic. Attention is paid to fats but fats are considered not as solid but as reflecting the situation that is constantly changing. With such approach, it is very hard to use Ti as reasoning if you always consider all sorts of different situations and changes in time. To make space for Ti -reasoning we need to sacrifice facts and talk about tendencies which describe the phenomenon in general terms.

We need facts to gather information about the type but we need Ti and Ne to get a general overview and prioritize. Otherwise, we will carry on floating between "What if".
The problem which exists in socionics that there are many different concepts of Ti which offer their own interpretation of facts Te. This makes people doubt and explore their types from different Ti perspectives. This is a waste of time for some and fun of exploration for others.
I believe or I would say rather I know that my approach is the best of the very best that you can find nowadays in regards to expert-solution to type diagnostics. It does not mean that other approaches do not exist which can measure type successfully.  For example, there are good tests of MBTI and Talanov and my tests and so on.
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Re: Determine my type
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2018, 02:47:52 PM »
Intuitive IEI -Human
Human's type has been identified as intuitive IEI with irrational type of psychodynamics and two subtypes IEE and ILI. Subtypes do not limit the person to one type only but offer a broader look at the personality from the perspective of typology.
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