Nonverbal test: LII, ILI

Andrew J. see his type as IEI, Esenin. I his words the story of identifying his type - from FB:
I taught myself socionics when I was taking care of my dying grandmother the last three years of her life. She took a nap for an hour each day, and I was free to do what I wanted as long as it was quiet and I could hear if she was trying to get out of bed (she could fall easily).
I originally tried to teach myself MBTI to pass the time, because I remember my teaches talking about it from middle and highschool, but it didn't make any sense. I was going to give up, but then I sumbled upon wikisocion and was very impressed. What I liked the most was I could understand how they reached their conclusions, and it was focused on simple but clear definitions.
The one thing that hated was the theory of intertype relations. I wanted to believe that harmony in a marriage was based solely on how much people loved each other. I do not like divorce, and it seemed like the conclusion of socionics was: marry your dual, or you will have conflict and stress that eats away at your relationship until you give up and divorce or you live a miserable life in marriage prison. I did not want to believe there was no hope for people who did not currently have a happy marriage.
But at the same time, socionics seemed well thought out and very logical. I am very honest with myself, and I decided I couldn't ignore something that was true just because I wanted the world to work a way it didn't.
So I decided I would do my best to type myself and my family and then see if the matching intertype relations fit. If they did, I would have to admit socionics is correct and then deal with the implications, and if not, I would not have to change my mind.
I started with myself. I spent about half a year of intense study to type myself. I read multiple versions of the analytic type descriptions (the ones with the 8 functions) and decided eventually I was IEI, by ruling out the other types and because IEO fit me very well.
Then I spent another half a year to try and figure out my parents and my sister. This was much harder for me than typing myself, because I know myself very well, but I've never really connect to my family.
Eventually, i figured out that my father is LII, my mom is SEI and my sister is also SEI.
Also during this time, i typed my grandparents. My grandmother is SLI and my grandfather is EII.
Not only did the intertype relations fit pretty well between me and my imediate family, but I saw a that my parents have the same kind of issues and aurgument as my grandparents. This is what convinced me of socionics.