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Author Topic: Andrew J.  (Read 6144 times)

Offline Ольга

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Andrew J.
« on: October 30, 2016, 02:40:06 PM »

Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb76RYwjfawetHJGQIkby6CW1GkF1_Zpv

 1 Sufjan Stevens, "I Walked" The Age of Adz  5:01
 2 Major Lazer - Be Together feat. Wild Belle (Official Music Video) 3:54
  3 A Tribe Called Quest - Scenario  4:12
  4 wu-tang clan - bring da ruckus 4:14
  5  P.O.S "sleepdrone/superposition" [Official Video] 8:50
  6 Laboratorium Pieśni - Sztoj pa moru (Што й па мору) 3:43
  7 Miley Cyrus - The Backyard Sessions - "Jolene"  3:00
 8 Lorde - Team  3:21
   9 Sufjan Stevens, "Blue Bucket of Gold (Remix)" (Official Audio)

Фильмы - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb76RYwjfaweWHEmV9f3GtvfgudjW4mhJ

"Chow Down Ep 1" by Freebord Mfg.
  Fight Club - Chemical Burn Scene ( HD )
  The Great Gatsby (2013) - Myrtle's Death Scene [HQ]
Mr. Nobody's quantum physics

The Witness Video Log 1
Sophisticated Trump
Peter Serafinowicz

Amélie - the Blind Man Scene | English Subtitles
The Best of The Art of Flight
What Has Four Legs, Four Eyes, and Will Blow Your Mind? | Short Film Showcase
National Geographic
The Fall (2006) - The Best Scene (TBS)
Amit Suman
Tekkonkinkreet: Itachi
Holden Boyles
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Re: Andrew J.
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2016, 02:46:22 PM »
Нравится    :)

Искусство и свое фото


« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 02:48:14 PM by Ольга »
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Re: Andrew J.
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2016, 02:50:01 PM »

Dislikes >:(

Dislike 1. Chick tracts, Christian pamphlets inspired by the propaganda tactics of Mao Zedong that are each themed to a demographic:

2. Furries:

Dislike 3. a note written in Comics Sans, in all caps with too many exclamation marks:
(clarification: "the worst font ever created, loved by moms and kindergarten teachers the world over")

« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 02:58:19 PM by Ольга »
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Re: Andrew J.
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2016, 02:51:38 PM »
Nonverbal test: LII, ILI

Andrew J. see his type as IEI, Esenin. I his words the story of identifying his type - from FB:

 I taught myself socionics when I was taking care of my dying grandmother the last three years of her life. She took a nap for an hour each day, and I was free to do what I wanted as long as it was quiet and I could hear if she was trying to get out of bed (she could fall easily).

I originally tried to teach myself MBTI to pass the time, because I remember my teaches talking about it from middle and highschool, but it didn't make any sense. I was going to give up, but then I sumbled upon wikisocion and was very impressed. What I liked the most was I could understand how they reached their conclusions, and it was focused on simple but clear definitions.

The one thing that hated was the theory of intertype relations. I wanted to believe that harmony in a marriage was based solely on how much people loved each other. I do not like divorce, and it seemed like the conclusion of socionics was: marry your dual, or you will have conflict and stress that eats away at your relationship until you give up and divorce or you live a miserable life in marriage prison. I did not want to believe there was no hope for people who did not currently have a happy marriage.

But at the same time, socionics seemed well thought out and very logical. I am very honest with myself, and I decided I couldn't ignore something that was true just because I wanted the world to work a way it didn't.

So I decided I would do my best to type myself and my family and then see if the matching intertype relations fit. If they did, I would have to admit socionics is correct and then deal with the implications, and if not, I would not have to change my mind.

I started with myself. I spent about half a year of intense study to type myself. I read multiple versions of the analytic type descriptions (the ones with the 8 functions) and decided eventually I was IEI, by ruling out the other types and because IEO fit me very well.

Then I spent another half a year to try and figure out my parents and my sister. This was much harder for me than typing myself, because I know myself very well, but I've never really connect to my family.

Eventually, i figured out that my father is LII, my mom is SEI and my sister is also SEI.

Also during this time, i typed my grandparents. My grandmother is SLI and my grandfather is EII.

Not only did the intertype relations fit pretty well between me and my imediate family, but I saw a that my parents have the same kind of issues and aurgument as my grandparents. This is what convinced me of socionics.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 02:54:14 PM by Ольга »
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Re: Andrew J.
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2016, 02:55:42 PM »
Once I decided I was IEI, I haven't changed my mind.

I have had some people who have seen my work with the dichotomies say I must be LII because of my ability to understanding logic. I met an SLE who initially said I reminded him of his LII brother, and for a while I really did some soul searching because of how confident he seemed, but then he changed his mind a bunch of time and eventually settled on IEI and I went back and retyped myself and again ended up with IEI.

Also, now that I know alot of socionics, almost everything agrees with me being IEI. So I'd say I'm pretty confident. I guess I've never asked Jack Aaron if he agrees that I'm IEI, but my impression is that he does.

I've never been formally "typed"
And speaking of my article, the logic is Ti and Ne, because it was created by Augusta and Reinin, who are both ILE. I have not come of with anything new, only taken their ideas and tried to make them more understandable.

I actually take it as a compliment that people would read it and mistake me as LII, because that means I'm communicating Augusta's and Reinin's ideas correctly.

I've tried everything I could think of to make my article a good teaching tool but so far not many people have even tried reading it, but those who did said it was great.
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Re: Andrew J.
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2016, 03:01:50 PM »
Andrew has been typed based on these materials on facebook by the group of associative socionists and some others as well in the type LII subtype ILE, static and intuitive LII.
Some other types where considered as ILE and LIE in the process of diagnostics.
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